eBay is a big politically correct vagina.

Kvlt Wench said:

Paula Hogan of MANIC Music & Distribution and Candlelight Records USA has contacted BLABBERMOUTH.NET to report that "eBay is [allegedly] currently starting a ban on black/extreme metal. A few of our vendors who have sizeable eBay stores are now finding their items pulled down by eBay directly. The list we have compiled so far that have been pulled for sale via any eBay stores or auctions is noted below. I'm sure there are more."

Added Dan Ferguson of Indianapolis, IN's Abyss Records: "I had a number of items removed and account suspended by selling black metal. It seems a group of so-called Christians have been reporting black metal bands (even though eBay has black metal as a search genre) as all racist and hateful and discriminatory."

The items that were allegedly removed by eBay because they "violated the eBay Hateful or Discriminatory policy" are as follows:

BURZUM - Complete 6 LP SET
EMPEROR - IX Equilibrium ORIG. LP
1349 - Beyond The CD
DARKTHRONE - Panzerfaust CD
MAYHEM - Collection 4 LP SET
PANTHEON - Krihapentswor CD
BURZUM - Daudi Baldrs LP
BURZUM - Daudi Baldrs CD
ZYKLON B - Blood Must Be Shed CD
1349 - Hellfire DOUBLE LP
BURZUM - Hlidskjalf LP
BURZUM - Det Som Engang Var DIGI CD
BURZUM - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss LP
BURZUM - Det Som Engang Var LP
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Weltanschauung CD
SATYRICON - Now, Diabolical CD

In eBay's e-mail to Ferguson explaining their decision to remove his listing, they write, "eBay doesn't permit sellers to list items that promote or glorify hatred, violence, or racial intolerance. Items that promote organizations with such views are also prohibited.

"eBay will judiciously disallow listings or items that promote or glorify hatred, violence or racial intolerance, or items that promote organizations (such as Nazis, neo-Nazis and Aryan Nation) with such views. This policy also applies to listings that offer shipping to countries where certain items may be illegal."
yes I just watched a documentary about Death Metal/Black metal in relation to Satanic Ritual. blah blah blah. It was funny to watch.

Because as all of you know Every Crime commited all over the world, especially when they involve torture and death are committed by metal fans.

But they were talking about how they were pulling black and death metal from ebay. WTF?

My big thing is, if you don't like it and think it's damaging to your child's well being or whatever, don't let them listen to it, keep a closer eye on what they're buying

And the thing that these bible thumping parents don't understand is the more taboo something is, the more appealing it becomes.

Anyway more on that later.

Gotta get to work. Fucking LAME!!!
firewalkjen said:
yes I just watched a documentary about Death Metal/Black metal in relation to Satanic Ritual. blah blah blah. It was funny to watch.

Because as all of you know Every Crime commited all over the world, especially when they involve torture and death are committed by metal fans.

Did you see the part toward the end where a so-called "expert" explained that he knew for a fact that heavy metal and Satanism go hand in hand?


...when I read that.
So ban gangsta (c)rap. How many cases of violence do you see with metal musicians/fans? How many cases of violence, theft, rape, cop killings etc do you see (c)rappers commiting/inspiring?
What I don't get is they are allowed to sell rated R movies on ebay, why pull black metal? It's ok for your kids to watch brutality on screen, but not listen to it? Music is just a medium of expression. A way to get out your negative and postive emotions instead of letting shit build up and really causing some damage.

And yes what about gangsta rap? Songs full of these rappers yapping about shooting people and hos and bitches and all that bs. I have yet to hear a story on the news about a crime commited because someone listened to rap.

Maybe these parents should concentrate less on getting all these things banned and more on the children themselves? Most of these satanic and ritualistic crimes are committed by people who have problems at home. But they never focus on that. Instead of looking at themselves and what they are doing wrong as parents, they automatically pull out the "metal is evil" card.

It's all ignorance and the fact that people fear what they don't understand.
i strongly beleive that the reason my younger brother has been into dru-gs and criminal activities for so long is because he is in the "thug" mindset. The whole "get that dollar anyway you can" mentallity that he learned from rap music.

So I would have to agree that in SOME people, the "culture" behind certain genres of music will influence their lifestyles. Of course these are usually simple minded people, or people who have problems defining themselves, etc.

Having not listen to black metal, I wouldnt know what it could possibly promote... but I would have to say that since you cant understand the lyrics, its alot less influential than hearing someone constantly "talking" about dru-gs, getting rich or die trying, killing, disrespecting women, etc etc.

Not saying I support what ebay is doing, i think its not their place to do this, i can see if it was stopping people from selling shirts that say "kill all fags" but music? bullshit.
firewalkjen said:
And yes what about gangsta rap? Songs full of these rappers yapping about shooting people and hos and bitches and all that bs. I have yet to hear a story on the news about a crime commited because someone listened to rap.
I know. I hate that. Some Korn fan shoots up the school, even though Korn is as far from metal as you can get, and metal is to blame.
Someone shoots up a cop, they don't blame 50 Cents, they just blame him.
Fucking bullshit.
I watched that program last night as well. Only one or two people in the entire show made sense. And one was Glen Benton.

I don't know what sort of metal they were talking about, they sounded like they were describing rap music instead of metal. Maybe Nevermore has a song about beating up your bitch in their secret back catalog. I think most of the metal I listen to consists of forests, politics, and Odin.
firewalkjen said:
OH and that stupid bitch talking about how Slayer is all about torturing and degrading women. How they're saying it's ok to do whatever you want to women? WTF??

Yeah, these "experts" really need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop blaming human stupidity on entertainment. But if they are going to blame it on music, they might as well blame it on rap...talk about degrading women. How many kids will listen to Cannibal Corpse then go fuck someone with a knife? Not nearly as many as will listen to some shitty rap song about fucking bitches and then go out and do it. There's a difference between fantasy and reality, and if you can't tell the difference you're obviously too retarded to listen to music. Might as well go put in some DC Talk. :Puke:
BlackwaterNymph said:
I think most of the metal I listen to consists of forests, politics, and Odin.

I think the metal that ebay is banning for its lyrical content mostly consists of, fuck I dont know it all goes BRAWWWWWWWWWLLLLL BWHA TAH DA FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOUUUUGHHHHHHH
Yeah, Hitler used to low ride to 50 Cent....
I bet those Columbine douchebags used to secretly rock the Dogg Pound....
Even though that asshole that just shot 19 people in Canada said that he "hated hip-hop", I'm sure that he was into Tupac - otherwise he wouldn't have taken someones life and then killed himself....right? :erk:

You guys sound really fucking ignorant - and you're in total fucking denial. There are literally THOUSANDS of ultra-sick crimes against men, women, and children that have been committed by "fans" of metal. Gimme a fucking break. The vast majority of crimes committed by blacks happen in the poorest, most downtrodden neighborhoods where most of the people are struggling just to fucking find a way to eat and pay a heating bill. Do yourselves a favor and pop the little bubble that your mommy and daddy made for you and take in the sights and sounds of the real world. You know, the world where criminals come from all backgrounds and ethnic groups.

I don't believe in censorship of any kind. I don't give a fuck what people want to listen to. Music never made anyone do anything criminal. Only your own fucked up mind can do that.

Black metal blows. Except that last Dimmu Borgir album.
There is no denial about it. The only thing thats been stated is, if you're gonna treat metal this way then you might as well treat every other genre of music the same. You don't hear on the news "the person who commited this driveby happened to be listening to lil jon that morning, as stated by his blog, thus lil jon was a leading factor in this crime."


But what you do hear is:

"Some guy shot a guy in a mall today... and he was wearing a marylin manson shirt. Thus meaning metal is the cause for this crime, cause all metal is related to satan and suck a cock if you think otherwise."

Yes, black metal is associated with satanism, church burnings and murder. Not like with most bands you can understand a fucking word being said. Trust me, most of it has nothing to do with what you think it has to. Just read bands like Emperors lyrics sometime... Its a stigma stuck with black metal... mostly because of one asshole named Varg... but thats a whole different subject.

Look at rap music though, clearly heard talk about fucking bitches, smacking bitches, fucking my pals, smacking my pals, jerking off, "skeeting", getting shot, shooting fools, gang banging...

Fuck the list could go on.

I'm not saying black metal is innocent, but for fucks sake, a little equality would be nice.
metalkingdom said:
Yeah, Hitler used to low ride to 50 Cent....
I bet those Columbine douchebags used to secretly rock the Dogg Pound....
Even though that asshole that just shot 19 people in Canada said that he "hated hip-hop", I'm sure that he was into Tupac - otherwise he wouldn't have taken someones life and then killed himself....right? :erk:

You guys sound really fucking ignorant - and you're in total fucking denial. There are literally THOUSANDS of ultra-sick crimes against men, women, and children that have been committed by "fans" of metal. Gimme a fucking break. The vast majority of crimes committed by blacks happen in the poorest, most downtrodden neighborhoods where most of the people are struggling just to fucking find a way to eat and pay a heating bill. Do yourselves a favor and pop the little bubble that your mommy and daddy made for you and take in the sights and sounds of the real world. You know, the world where criminals come from all backgrounds and ethnic groups.

I don't believe in censorship of any kind. I don't give a fuck what people want to listen to. Music never made anyone do anything criminal. Only your own fucked up mind can do that.

Black metal blows. Except that last Dimmu Borgir album.

The point we're trying to make is that if black metal is responsible for rotting the minds of our youths, then so is every other type of music that deals with violent subject matter. And all of it should be banned. And banning things is ignorant; therefore, it shouldn't be done. I'm 100% positive that no one is saying only black people and rappers commit/condone crimes.
metalkingdom said:
Yeah, Hitler used to low ride to 50 Cent....
I bet those Columbine douchebags used to secretly rock the Dogg Pound....
Even though that asshole that just shot 19 people in Canada said that he "hated hip-hop", I'm sure that he was into Tupac - otherwise he wouldn't have taken someones life and then killed himself....right? :erk:

You guys sound really fucking ignorant - and you're in total fucking denial. There are literally THOUSANDS of ultra-sick crimes against men, women, and children that have been committed by "fans" of metal. Gimme a fucking break. The vast majority of crimes committed by blacks happen in the poorest, most downtrodden neighborhoods where most of the people are struggling just to fucking find a way to eat and pay a heating bill. Do yourselves a favor and pop the little bubble that your mommy and daddy made for you and take in the sights and sounds of the real world. You know, the world where criminals come from all backgrounds and ethnic groups.

I don't believe in censorship of any kind. I don't give a fuck what people want to listen to. Music never made anyone do anything criminal. Only your own fucked up mind can do that.

Black metal blows. Except that last Dimmu Borgir album.

if that was directed at me, i'll appologize as comming off as a moron, but all im saying is that, if you look at how music influence people.. lennon fans in the late 60s early 70s all beleived in peace and what he promoted, a lot of musical fans want to sing and be in the school plays, a lot of metal heads want to pick up a guitar and shred, and power metal fans like to collect swords and play dungeons and dragons. Not EVERY single fan will follow their music, but it does happen in some people.

All Im saying is, my brothers actions directly reflects the content in the music he listens to. I cant blame the parenting and the neighborhood because I use myself and my youngest brother as example, we didnt listen to rap, he always has. And he's the one who is involved in criminal activities, and drug usage / distributing, and cheating on his girlfriend to get with all these "hot bitches" "because he can".

Now thats just his personality, im not characterizing all fans of a certain genre, but im not gonna brush it off and say "that doesnt happen because it doesnt happen to everyone"
metalkingdom said:
Yeah, Hitler used to low ride to 50 Cent....
I bet those Columbine douchebags used to secretly rock the Dogg Pound....
Even though that asshole that just shot 19 people in Canada said that he "hated hip-hop", I'm sure that he was into Tupac - otherwise he wouldn't have taken someones life and then killed himself....right? :erk:

You guys sound really fucking ignorant - and you're in total fucking denial. There are literally THOUSANDS of ultra-sick crimes against men, women, and children that have been committed by "fans" of metal. Gimme a fucking break. The vast majority of crimes committed by blacks happen in the poorest, most downtrodden neighborhoods where most of the people are struggling just to fucking find a way to eat and pay a heating bill. Do yourselves a favor and pop the little bubble that your mommy and daddy made for you and take in the sights and sounds of the real world. You know, the world where criminals come from all backgrounds and ethnic groups.

I don't believe in censorship of any kind. I don't give a fuck what people want to listen to. Music never made anyone do anything criminal. Only your own fucked up mind can do that.

Black metal blows. Except that last Dimmu Borgir album.
Columbine kids were Marilin Manson fans. Marilin Manson=goth/alternative rock. Not metal AT ALL. They are also fans of Korn and all those emo bands that talk about shooting up the schools.
When someone wearing a Manowar shirt takes a sword, mace, axe and hammer, screams out "death to false metal" and starts offing his fellow students, then people can say metal causes violence.
Metal in general, including all the billions of sub-genres in the metal sub-genre, is a rock subgenre. Alternative rock and goth are very different from any kind of metal. So they should blame those sub-genres instead of lumping it in with something completely different.
So while those kids aren't listening to 50 Cent talking, since that is what rap is, about killing cops, they aren't listening to Mayhem screeching about Chainsaw Gutsfuck or Cannibal Corpse growling about raping people with meathooks either.

I know that most of the criminals are from a very low class background, but listening to that gangsta shit just eggs them on. They don't try to better themselves. They opt to blame everyone else so they mug people. They are all listening to their so called "artists" romanticize the ideas of commiting crimes. How many metalheads are going to go burn down a church?

Sorry if this doesn't make too much sense but I got hardly any sleep last night so I'm not sure if what I'm typing is all that logical.