eBay is a big politically correct vagina.

Metal head87 said:
When someone wearing a Manowar shirt takes a sword, mace, axe and hammer, screams out "death to false metal" and starts offing his fellow students, then people can say metal causes violence.

I would love to see this on the news.
How many kids will listen to Cannibal Corpse then go fuck someone with a knife?

(best thought I read on the thread)

Right on.
Agreed with the equality idea, too.

I would write a post full of arguments, but that's pointless.

People are responsible for their acts - victims of society and the likes are just bullshit arguments that lawyers use.

Music has nothing to do with it. If so, is one of the various causes.
(yes, it's far more complicated than this, but you get the point)
I just want to jump in and defend rap here, since it seems that some of y'all think rap is "just talking." I don't listen to a whole lot of rap or anything but I do listen to it (and nu metal and other such "horrible" things that are ignorantly bashed here, just look at my last.fm page) and I've got to say that if any of you had ever picked up a quality rap CD you wouldn't be saying what you are. Go listen, really listen, to some of Eminems songs, could you come up with those lyrics? Or maybe some old Beastie Boys music, that is far from talking. I could go on quite a bit more here but I'll stop myself.
It's a load of bullshit, aye. But those of you guys saying "RAP CAUSES MORE VIOLENCE" are just promoting the same manner of stupidity. As long as people continue to think that artistic expression is a source of violence and evil, shit like this that eBay just pulled is going to keep happening.
Pyrus said:
It's a load of bullshit, aye. But those of you guys saying "RAP CAUSES MORE VIOLENCE" are just promoting the same manner of stupidity. As long as people continue to think that artistic expression is a source of violence and evil, shit like this that eBay just pulled is going to keep happening.

before bashing rap and hip hop please take a moment and listen to immortal technique. And i agree, SOME rap is stupid, like half a dollar for example.
And people blaiming music for violence it is just stupid. they should blame the killer's parrents for not educating him to be a normal person, and for some reason or another they allowed him to become a killer.
However, that is not always the case, not always the parrents are guilty, unless that guy is still living under his parrent's roof.
my 2 cents
firewalkjen said:
Maybe these parents should concentrate less on getting all these things banned and more on the children themselves? Most of these satanic and ritualistic crimes are committed by people who have problems at home. But they never focus on that. Instead of looking at themselves and what they are doing wrong as parents, they automatically pull out the "metal is evil" card.

BLAME CANADA!!! BLAME CANADA!!!! (it isn't even a real country anyway)

metalkingdom said:
Black metal blows. Except that last Dimmu Borgir album.

THat guy you laughed at, I almost replied to him calling him a fag for that comment, and his general attitude. But ...it is just kind of funny that we...like... were in "reply mode" at the same time to the same thread/same guy ETC
The funny thing is that most of the things in that list are:
a) very very very standard second wave black metal
b) shitty third wave (maybe?)
c) not BM
actually, racist lyrics are not even black metal lyrics. (unless it is third wave. I think. )

Fuck all them post first faggot waves. (except when the music is decent)
retarded penguin said:
The funny thing is that most of the things in that list are:
a) very very very standard second wave black metal
b) shitty third wave (maybe?)
c) not BM

lets analyze:

a) very very very standard second wave black metal
BURZUM - Complete 6 LP SET
EMPEROR - IX Equilibrium ORIG. LP
DARKTHRONE - Panzerfaust CD
MAYHEM - Collection 4 LP SET
BURZUM - Daudi Baldrs LP
BURZUM - Daudi Baldrs CD
ZYKLON B - Blood Must Be Shed CD
BURZUM - Hlidskjalf LP
BURZUM - Det Som Engang Var DIGI CD
BURZUM - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss LP
BURZUM - Det Som Engang Var LP

b) shitty third wave (maybe?) (insert additional question mark here for I haven't heard some of this)
1349 - Hellfire DOUBLE LP
ARMAGGEDON - Imperium CD (???)
PANTHEON - Krihapentswor CD (???)
1349 - Beyond The CD

c) not black metal (Møøsenote: I also included NSBM in this category)
SATYRICON - Now, Diabolical CD
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Weltanschauung CD

r-penguin says:
A lot of that burzum is not even black metal, too
Giant Fucking Bunny says:
Giant Fucking Bunny says:
Giant Fucking Bunny says:
Giant Fucking Bunny says:
for GENERIC descriptive purposes