EC and Constantine


Old fart on this board
Apr 15, 2001
Fin fuggen land
First of all, take a listen to the song that I have linked in my sig (the link is at the very bottom of the text). The band is Sack Trick and the guys are pretty much the same that were around when Bruce had Skunkworks going on and they were also the band he used on his last solo tour.

Now, after you've listened to the song tell me, doesn't it sound a bit too familiar? ;) :lol:

To the point. As I have had to take over the bass duties again (to cut long story short: our band's bassist decided we would manage better without him...) I've been practising quite a bit recently. I've tried with a pick, and without one. Both styles have their advantages but I have concentrated on playing more with my fingers. What I would like to hear is: Do you guys have any tips for beginners? Like how to get my 'picking' fingers warmed up and practise the speed etc.? You know, the basic stuff.

Any kind of tips welcome! :)
On a side note: Halfway during typing that post I got a phone call. They offered me a job and I start tomorrow morning at 7.00. :cool:

Now all I need is to get that damn car fixed.... :bah:
:lol: That song is hysterical Eddy! :lol:

I find it offensive and I'd like to smack the hell outta them for singing it... :bah:

But, it's damn funny anyway.... :lol:

As for tips concerning your picking....

1. There is no easy way to warm up. Bass is a very physical instrument, and ya gotta kinda man-handle it at times. Pick out some songs that don't give ya cramps, but will give your hands a workout and use 'em to warm up. Maiden's great for those. I've been using Maiden to warm up with for years. Recently, I've been playing through the Brave New World disc to warm up. Yea, it takes me that long, :lol:.

2. As for other tips, the most I'd want to tell ya is to spend some time deciding on a hand position that's comfortable to you. Make it a priority to work on it. Many players will use thier thumb to anchor thier hand for stability, some don't. There's many ways to do it and I don't really think that any is more "correct" than the others, but the main thing any position MUST do for you is: stability, strength, and a consistent attack that allows you to play the style you'd like to play. Focus on these things and then practice the positioning for consistency.

Somewhere in my stack of old Bass Player magazines, there's a great article on this.... written by Billy Sheehan I think. If I can find it, I'll post it for you. Good luck! :cool:

P.S. Congrats on the new job! :)
What a song. Sack trick can go screw themselves:D:D
Too many strings on a guitar so I'll play bass. I have 6 strings on my bass with 24 frets, the way I see it, I have more notes to play then a guitar:Spin:

Anyway, to go continue with Steve's comments on hand position. One of the hardest things leaning the bass was mutting the strings that were not being used. I wish I could explain this with out losing you....

Have you ever herd of PIMA for your fingers, where P is you thumb, I is your pointer, M is you middle finger and A is your ring finger.

Lets say you were playing on your A string, my thumb would be on the E string to avoid fret noise or the E string from ringing. If I would to move up to the D string, now my hand moves up so my Thumb is now on the A string and if I was playing on the G string, my thumb is on the D string.
If I was playing on my E string, I move my thumb to my Low B string, if I'm playing my 4 string, I use my pick up to rest my hand on.

Try using the PIMA with your bass, where your thumb plays only the E string, pointer play A, middle plays D and ring plays G. Yes us you ring finder if you don't already. Great finger to help with speed and to play triplets, while your thumb is mutting the lower string. I start my triplets with my ring followed by the middle and ending with my pointer. Accent the ring finger to start the triplet...

I always try to play good before I play quick. I guess thats why all my songs are slow:D. My oldest daughter is learning piano and I'm always telling her to play slow, once she learns the song, she can play a bit quicker, but she must always play in time.

When practising, I always work on my scales and arpeggios. This will help you in the future with bass runs while playing in key.

Warming up is something I don't do anymore. I just pick up the bass and play. Could explain why my hand hurts after the first minute:erk:

Hope any of this was helpful.
Good luck with your new job
Thanks guys! :)

That's just what I was looking for. :cool:

Will put your advice into use if I'm not too exhausted after my first day at work... :p

Hmmm... I have a question regarding the other hand technique but I'll post it later when I can express my thought more clearly. :)

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