edge of sanity suggestions

Buy "Unorthodox" if you like more brutal death metal.
and "Infernal" if you like melodic parts like in "Spectral sorrows", but it contains very different songs from black/death metal to clear voice with piano.

"Unorthodox" is more intricate album. It remind me "Crimson", but more brutal.

By my oppinion "Unorthodox" and "Crimson" are best death metal albums ever !!
Originally posted by opethpainter
ok, then i'll check out purgatory afterglow and the spectral sorrows.

Good choice, their 2 best if you ask me. Spectral is my fave :notworthy, one of my fave Death Metal albums ever.

In my opinion every EoS has some fillers (except Crimson :)), Spectral has songs like "Waiting To Die" and "Feeding The Charlatan" which could have been left out. Purgatory has songs like "Enter Chaos", "The Sinner And The Sadness" and "Song Of Sirens" which are kinda below the level of the first 7 songs.

They seem to be put on there "for the fun of it" or something, but they just lack the quality and the depth of the other tracks.

My EoS chart:
1. The Spectral Sorrows
2. Purgatory Afterglow
3. Crimson
4. Infernal
5. Unorthodox
6. Nothing But Death Remains & Cryptic

Cryptic obviously lacks Dan's influence i.m.o., the great melodies aren't there.

Infernal is quite incoherent, it's just a collection of songs, but some songs are great like Forever Together Forever, Damned By The Damned, 15:36 (great!) and Hell Is Where The Heart Is.
i've received purgatory afterglow in mp3 from a friend... really a good album, but to be listened more carefully in the near future.
The Sinner and the Sadness- A filler!!????

What the hell?

'I am sick, I believe, I am the new messiah!'
-Best lyrics ever, and the music itself is awesome!
my edge of sanity list , i dont have cyrptic or nothing but the ded remains...

3.purgatory afterglow
4.specral sorrows