Edguy / Dungeon rollcall.

Land of the Miracle is their best song.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Doubt they'd play it though ;D
Jordan, I think the last I heard was Mandrake. My mate gave it to me a year or so ago, and I listened to it and thought it was much better than their previous stuff. Only located it two days ago though, so I haven't heard it in a long time. I'll have to give it a go. I don't want to get into them though, as I can't really afford to go to their gig. :)

I thought Vain Glory Opera was horrible, but decided to give it another couple of goes. Still thought it was horrible after that, so I doubt I'll like it at any stage.... Have that Salvation one too, but I lent it to Ric from Anarion about 3 yrs ago and haven't seen it since......