Edguy in Brissie


Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane Australia
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Twas a good show! Not being a huge fan I wasnt expecting alot, but they put on a good show. Their material doesnt sound as overtly fruity in a live setting.

Dungeon were awesome as usual :) New songs sound great! Private party thing with them was cool. They are really cool down to earth guys. Plus the bar where the party was was selling coopers sparkling for 4.50! I couldnt believe my luck :headbang:

When edguy left around 12-1ish tobias was in some little pub place outside at southbank and left in a car with 3 chicks hahah! Damn rock stars!!

All in all 2 good nights :)
I've noticed that most of the songs they play live are the more mid-paced ones too which are their better songs. They hardly play any of the speed metal songs which is good coz most of them are crap.