Edguy tour


Dec 21, 2001
Melbourne, Australia
So who here went/ is going to see Edguy??
I saw them last night at the Espy and they were fantastic. Put on a really great show and really got the crowd psyched. A very strong 2 hour set Simply the fact that they came to Aus despite warnings that it would be a disaster is awesome.
Thank you Metal Warriors!
Not only that, there were some fucking top Aussie bands on the bill- Anarion, Vanishing Point, Dungeon (TIMMY, you guys happy with the Metal Warriors signing??). etc
well, we signed to metal warriors on stage ALA WWF style on the saturday show at the espy - we are pretty chuffed.
Our new CD is now scheduled for a August release -
All this was caught on vid hopefully to be released as a DVD later in the year!

Anarion were very cool too.
Anarion were pretty good!

Yeah - we signed to the Metal Warriros label live on stage at the Espy on Saturday! Lots of fun and it's looking like it was a good decision so far! ;)

We had an awesome time and you seriously couldn't find a better bunch of guys than those Edblokes! :D

Dunno what footage will be used for the DVD in the end but the Canberra footage was awesome, so you never know! :)
It all sounds wicked! Great work guys. It should be the boost you need to get what you deserve.

Onstage signing - is it a first? I've never heard of it happening before. Cool!