the metal weekend! my review!
Too many threads about the them all but couldn't work out where to post so i did what everyone else did.Start a new thread!
Thursday night
1st time i had seen Enter Twilight...would probably watch them again although was starting to get a little bored with hte music by the end of their set
Dungeon sounded great...amazing to look around the crowd and see all the new Dungeon t-shirts!
1st time seeing Vanishing Point...didn't really get into to them much at first but sounded better towards the end of the set.
Edguy.....Awesome!(halfway through the set i was thinking how glad i was that i had decided to go to Melbourne!)....i have to say that i wasn't a big fan before the gig(having only listened to Mandrake) but i was very impressed with their set.I will definitely have to get a couple of the CD's before Mandrake
Arrive home 2am
5am get up for work!!!
2.30pm arrive airport
4.30pm arrive Melbourne
5pm straight to Metal Mayhem....met Nik for the first time(having only emailed him before)
7pm find my accomdation(backpackers in Prahran)
8pm arrive Espy pub
absolutely exhausted by this stage..struggle to stay awake during the first 2 bands
manage to wake up for Abortus(1st time seeing them play)....i really enjoyed their set(especially the two covers Twisted Sister-Under the Blade and AC/DC-TNT)
Dark Order...probably the best set i have seen them play(shame about the small crowd...but those few that were there had an excellent night).They were joined on stage by the singer from Abortus for Reign in Blood.After seein a few of Dark Order's sets get cut short over the last couple of years it was quite amazing for them to finish the full set(and encore) and them be told that they could play for another 30 minutes if they wanted.They played Judas Priest-Painkiller and then a second performance of Reign in Blood!!!!
had a drink with the Dark Order guys but then the bar shut around 1.30am so iwandered around the corner and found that the Prince of wales pub was still open...MORE BEER!!!
arrive home(well temporary home) 3am
wake up 10am...find breakfast...head dwon to St crosswords....arrive pub 1pm...starting drinking up with Dungeon for drinks...catch up with some of the Sydney crowd...catch up with Dracula and Snow White(hang on...that was later in the day)
finally head inside and realise that Sanity's cage has almost finished their set....really enjoyed the couple of songs i heard.
Mortification were on of the true survivors of Oz metal(i think i saw them play once a few years ago)...really enjoyed their set...would definitely see them again.
met The Trooper(even if it was only for a short time) before heading back inside for awesome set from these guys....the room was starting to fill up a bit by now and then
Dungeon...and the place was packed.A much bigger and louder crowd than in of the longest sets i've seen Dungeon play....and of course the on-stage signing to Metal Warriors(which i actually found out about a few hours before hand)
By now i was well and truly in party mode(the return of Twobeersdrinken!) ....more beeerrr!!
and the rest of the night starts to become a bit hazy.....
stayed in the front bar for the next couple of hours(didn't see Enter Twilight or Vanishing Point) drinking,talking to people and listening to the bands playing in the front bar(first band playing covers of Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jimi Hendrix..then the 2nd band was the Del-Emmas...a sydney band featuring 5 girls playing 60's type garage rock)
Finally, i returned to the back room to watch Edguy.....managed to find a spot right at the back of the room alongside Greg,Nat and Leisa....the crowd was sensational...much louder and better participants than the Sydney crowd two nights earlier.However,as i said to the Greg,i thought the sound for Edguy was better in Sydney than in Melbourne...but then again the fact that i was sober and a lot closer in Sydney(rather than drunk and at the back in Melbourne) may have had something to do with the difference in sound quality
arrive home 3am
9.30am wake up pretty hungover(13/14 hours drinkin usually causes this!) ...get myself onto tram into city...bus to airport
midday flight...arriver home 2pm and collapse on my lounge.
Totally exhausted but what an awesome weekend!!!!
3 days, 13 metal bands(yes i know should have been 15!),2 cities
Bring on hte next tour!!