Melbourne Reviews

I went to the first Melbourne gig. Fucking amazing.
I was in the middle of the floor, next to a bunch of slam-dancing fucknuts. Fortunately their knowledge of Iron Maiden consisted of about 4 songs - so I was able to enjoy most of the gig without threat of elbows in the face. The dumb cunts were dead silent during Iron Maiden for fuck sake! hahaha..

I almost creamed myself when the crank Moonchild out during the encore!! No way I was expecting that.

Best gig ever. So now what do I do with my life?
The second show was twice, maybe even approaching 2.34 times better than the first show. Maybe it's because I had seats for the second show, but the sound was better, Bruce's screams were better, they didn't fuck up as much and unless someone else will correct me there was much more pyro and explosions on the second night.

I'll admit I was thinking that maybe three shows would have been too much for me, and it'd get ruined by repetition, but after last night, bring on Sydney!
Attended the 2nd show as well. Was on the floor and made it to the barrier, dead centre of stage about halfway through the setlist...... Just awesome :)

Bring on Brisbane !!!
I'm spewing I didn't go to the second Melbourne show, I heard it was a lot better.

I was in the right place at the right time when it came to the backstage pass, a mate of a mate had a spare and I ran into him so it was blind luck! I met Adrian Smith and Bruce and Janick were also at the pub later on with a lot of the road crew and Rod Smallwood. I would have loved to have met Steve though!

I thought I would be able to snag a review pass for the second show but no such luck, which really annoys me when someone from The Age who
clearly doesn't know a lot about the band can get in and write a rubbish review.... grrrrrrrrr.

I missed out on a gold seated ticket last night on ebay by 5 minutes too.... damn it!

I am almost contemplating a last minute dash to Sydney for the Sunday show!
fkn just AWESOME.

both nights were mindblowing. I think the 2nd night had a bit better sound and a bit tighter performance though. Words cannot even begin to express how awesome this was. I wish i was going to sydney!

i was in the upper level both nights and (especially the first night) i have never EVER seen a crowd in a huge arena going MENTAL like that. Usually sure, the first 10 or 15 rows are going mental and then it's like "oooh, that was a nice song *polite applause* from everyone else. But with maiden, FUCK! Every single person from the front to the back row, up on their feet, fists in the air and screaming for Bruce.

fkn MAGIC.
Both nights were awesome!

Had gold seating first night and first to the barrier the second night. Thought that Bruce, and the band in general had so much energy. Bruce's singing was great, but it sounded like he was having some problems with his mic at times.

The second night was a different experience, given that i'm not that big and several thousand large maiden fans wanted to be in my spot in front of dave and adrian! I focused more on watching how much the band was enjoying it than the sound(oh and surviving), which still was pretty good from where I was standing. Got a couple of picks from Dave for my troubles!

Looking forward to the Sydney shows now!
I can't believe the shows have come around so quickly - doesn't seem that long ago that everyone was rushing to buy tickets :)

Cool to see the gigs are going off - will be interesting to see how the Brisbane audience reacts. Spiff, are they still usually lethargic like they used to be?
Yep, if they're up in the seats they are. Brisbane is the worst place in the world to see a concert, although the only other city I've seen a concert in is London so maybe I should try more cities first before I judge.
I've not seen a show in Brisbane, but it sounds like crowds respond much better down here, Spiffo.

I enjoyed the second show more than the first, for my view was heaps better. Rather than standing on the floor, I had a seat in the front row of the gold section, thus giving an unimpeded view. Dave was standing over my side, and spent a fair bit of the show looking out our way, which was excellent.

It's a great thing, being only metres from Bruce. Never thought it would happen in Melbourne!
Both shows were awesome.. I wouldn't say the 2nd show kicked the shit out of the first one. Perhaps it was a little better (I think as well because people seemed to click with the band a lot quicker the second time round). I didn't notice too many mistakes in the first one, but I did notice the sound was a bit off initially. No biggie. Bruce sounded a lot better live than I thought he would (I realy don't like his performance on the latest album). I can't believe how much energy they play with. I reckon though there was more running around, particularly from Bruce on the first night. More shit blowing up on the second night. Second night was stuck in front of a teenage girl who damn nearly blew my eardrums shrieking with excitement. Highlight for me - Rime of the Ancient Mariner, both nights. It's just a fantastic song which works so well live.

VP's sound was nothing short of shithouse on the first night... It was cringe-worthy at times. Shame too, because energy wise that was the best I've seen them play. Good thing though was the sound was MUCH better the second night. Good on the VP boys, I think they impressed a lot of people.... Most of the people around me had no clue who they were (and evidently Silvio doesn't pronounce "vanishing point" too well). Oh, Silvio completely forgetting the verse to Surrender on the first night - classic :)

Bring on Sydney!!
Actually Silv didnt forget the lyrics , its just that the battery he purchased from the service station on the way to the gig for his wireless microphone shat itself heh heh :)

Both shows were awesome.. I wouldn't say the 2nd show kicked the shit out of the first one. Perhaps it was a little better (I think as well because people seemed to click with the band a lot quicker the second time round). I didn't notice too many mistakes in the first one, but I did notice the sound was a bit off initially. No biggie. Bruce sounded a lot better live than I thought he would (I realy don't like his performance on the latest album). I can't believe how much energy they play with. I reckon though there was more running around, particularly from Bruce on the first night. More shit blowing up on the second night. Second night was stuck in front of a teenage girl who damn nearly blew my eardrums shrieking with excitement. Highlight for me - Rime of the Ancient Mariner, both nights. It's just a fantastic song which works so well live.

VP's sound was nothing short of shithouse on the first night... It was cringe-worthy at times. Shame too, because energy wise that was the best I've seen them play. Good thing though was the sound was MUCH better the second night. Good on the VP boys, I think they impressed a lot of people.... Most of the people around me had no clue who they were (and evidently Silvio doesn't pronounce "vanishing point" too well). Oh, Silvio completely forgetting the verse to Surrender on the first night - classic :)

Bring on Sydney!!