Just did a quick search on this and did not find anything. A friend asked me where they came up with their name and low and behold... I didn't have the answer. Anyone know where they got there name from?
Funny!! Kinda like the German version of Lynyrd Skynyrd!!!!!!!
Funny!! Kinda like the German version of Lynyrd Skynyrd!!!!!!!
Skynard named the band after their school Gym teacher (I believe) who's name was Leonard Skinner. He had a real problem with the idea of guys with long hair, so they named their band Lynard Skynard to mock him. Interestingly, they are now on good terms with said teacher and have had him introduce them on stage meny times.
Lynard Skynard. Is that like the band LynYrd SkynYrd?
Taken from the Edguy Forum.
- Why is the band called EDGUY?
As they were in school they had a teacher called Edgar xxx. When they started their band, they made a joke out of his name and called themselves Edguy. Since then they've been considering to change their name (to something tr00e with "Steel" or "Thunder"), but in the end they've decided to keep the name and stay unique.
Funny, I always assumed it was in honor of Iron Maiden's mascot, Eddie ... since Maiden was an influence on the band.