Editing a song for my band.


Revel in this, bitch.
Sep 19, 2007
So basically I'm just editing the drums right now, giving them a rough mix and sampling. I've really only sampled the snare and kick. I think it sounds a little artificial but ..it's way better than the tone we got with the kick and the snare (the snare head was like two years old and literally broke the day after recording this.) Basically just tell me what you think. It's just drums right now. I'm going to redo most the guitars when I get a chance via 5150 -> recab. But this is where I'm at with it right now.


P.S I'm missing one of my overhead .wav files... So that hasn't been mixed in yet. My drummer thought he sent me all the files but completely forgot the overhead2 and vocal files. So until he gets them to me I have to work with only one over head. Anyway, I think it sounds much better that whats up on the myspace right now www.myspace.com/foreverinturmoil (My drummer tried to do the mixing with that but didn't really know how to...basically why it sounds like shit. So I'm going to redo the guitars/ mix it my self.)
....Sorry for making you read so much. Go get a beer, you deserve it. :kickass: