Editing drums with Logic Flex Time?

Flow Of Time

Oct 6, 2012
So, I'm going to record my first band in about two weeks. I have no opportunity to record drums, so they did it themselves and sent me the files. They're recorded "okay" and played not too sloppy.

Now here's the thing, I never edited drums before and just recently switched to logic, so I'm not comfortable with the workflow yet. Means the whole process would take a shit tonne of time, I don't have right now.

Is editing with flex time an option?
yes, in slicing mode. its pretty good, although theres some stuff you'll need to watch out for that you'll only learn from experience. if there's tempo changes it might do some unpredictable things which can be annoying. add me up on facebook if you need any advice, it'll be more specific questions than general stuff that you'll need.
I would use the group edit function and try to slip edit before flex time which should be a last resort. The beat mapping is also useful too. I am editing drums recorded over 18 years over not played to click using Logic so I am balls deep in drum editing at the mo and trying to develop a work flow before I start on the 11 minutes epics!!
I don't have enough experience with flex time to comment over it's time saving advantages over slip editing but I can't really see it being that much quicker.

My question to you is did they track with a click and do you have the tempos? If so your task will be fairly straight forward I should imagine. You can use the Slice function under Flex Time and use the slice at flex marker function, then stretch from there. But I think that it would be no quicker than slip editing perhaps? (Using the phase group editing of course)

A poster on Youtube called 'MusicTechGuy' has dome a few reasonably in depth videos on some of the functions of Logic X that drum editing would require.

BTW and a little off topic, I find the navigation that you need for drum editing in Logic X very frustrating at times.
They recorded to a click and I have the tempos. Tried flex time today and it works pretty well. Only problem I got is, that I'm getting little pops on the transients.. Does anyone know how to fix this? (Crossfades?)
That sounds like you need to do crossfades but I'm not sure if cross fades work with flextime. Dragging corners ie cross fading will start moving the flex markers which may or may not cause issues.
Another reason could be stretching the flex markers into the red which will cause artefacts but seeing as you have tempos and drum tracks recorded to click this is less likely.
I try to avoid flextime and slip edit instead as it avoids these issues for me.
if you're getting pops clicks, check you aren't cutting a cymbal transient before one of the drums. either that or sometimes when RAM is low logic does unpredictable things. deleting unused files as you go along helps keep things snappy.

im guessing its from a cymbal coming in slightly early, ahead of the drum though.
Slicing tends to work best, it doesn't produce many artifacts. Tempo changes are where things get weird with those nasty blue lines. God i hate those things.