Flex editing and bounce in place


Dec 1, 2008
Hey guys. I've searched for this and googled it and I didn't find any solution, so I thought I'd post a thread.

I'm using flex editing(slice mode) in Logic 9 to edit drums on a power metal recording that I'm working on. Seeing as there are 20 drum tracks, I can't edit a whole song before the program starts lagging. The computer is a brand new Mac pro, so it's not the computer that's too slow.

Anyway, my question is, does anybody know of a way to bounce multiple tracks in place at the same time? I want to get rid of the flex markers to boost performance and not kill my workflow, but I haven't found a way to do it yet. I haven't bounced it track by track yet, I'm afraid it might mess with the transient markers seeing as the channels are phase-locked. Does anyone have an easy solution to the problem?