Editing/Mixing practice song for thems that want it


Studio Scapegoat
Feb 13, 2007
Nottingham, UK
This is a song recorded for my old bands final EP that was never finished due to us breaking up. I can never be bothered to finish it so I figured I'd turn one of the tracks over to you guys.

We did the recordings on the cheap as much as possible. We tracked the drums at the studio but did the guitar & bass tracking at my house so we'd have more flexibility over the times we could record. So all the guitars/bass are DI tracks. I've included the MIDI file which contains the tempo map and a programmed bassline that was used for tracking the drum parts. Drums are all raw, with no editing other than punch-ins during the tracking so there's plenty of scope for working on your drum editing chops.

Parts included are:

Kick x2
Snare Top & Bottom
5 toms
2x overheads arrange Glyn Jones fashion.
2x room mics
2x guitar DI's, plus 1x lead section
1x bass DI
5x vocal tracks

Here's a VERY rough mix, the only processing on this track is an amp sim on each guitar track and a Voxengo Elephant on the master bus. Just to show you what you're working with: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3000915/Super raw mix.mp3

Have fun.


And for the curious, here's some random footage I spliced together from the sessions:
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ah PhilR, completely OT but, I downloaded some stems you posted about 3 years ago :lol:

It was a punk song with the main lyric singing 'leave the dead in their graves'
I'll be mixing it when I've finished doing some other stuff.

who is it?
are they still going?
and where can I buy their CD :D ?

It's a damn good song and reminds me of rancid/blackflag and the god awfuls. But I NEED MORE :D

edit: it's gotta be your band because I just saw your diezel in that YT video :lol:
ah PhilR, completely OT but, I downloaded some stems you posted about 3 years ago :lol:

It was a punk song with the main lyric singing 'leave the dead in their graves'
I'll be mixing it when I've finished doing some other stuff.

Cool. :)

who is it?

My band Cleaverhook. Although this was recorded before I joined on drums.

are they still going?

Oh yeah.

and where can I buy their CD :D ?

You'll have to wait for that one, we suffer from a pretty chronic lack of funds....

It's a damn good song and reminds me of rancid/blackflag and the god awfuls. But I NEED MORE :D

edit: it's gotta be your band because I just saw your diezel in that YT video :lol:

Yeah the Diezel was used in that session but it doesn't actually belong to our guitarist. He plays through a Marshall JMP2000 Super Lead. Funny you comparing it to old school punk stuff though as none of us are really into that sorta thing, we just play whatever comes into our heads. Our guitarist is more of a Tool buff than anything...
Thanks for these man!

Just a heads up though, the lead guitar track you mentioned in your original post isn't in the archive.
by what I can see, you have a Diezel VH4 head right next to you in your control-room.. That's nice.. BUT YOU RECORD DI'S AND USE AMP SIMS? holy hell:yow: