Effects of master volume (shootout)

Deaf Ear

Feb 25, 2007
Before I get corrected, post gain to be exact..since we used a 5150 for the test.

Today a guitar player I'm working with and I decided to go the extra mile to find his tone. We reamped a riff with the EXACT same amp settings and tested the effects of just the Post Gain Knob on the tone. All the files were level matched and then listened to back to back several times. The guitar were quad tracked to check the cumulative effects of each setting. Lots of traps were put around the amp to minimize the room, although I'm sure some of what you hear is still some room leaking in.

I was amazed at how different each one sounded.

The settings were 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, and 6.

I thought this might be of interest to you guys.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/316466/Amp Test/V Test 2.wav
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/316466/Amp Test/V Test 2_5.wav
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/316466/Amp Test/V Test 3.wav
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/316466/Amp Test/V Test 3_5.wav
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/316466/Amp Test/V Test 4.wav
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/316466/Amp Test/V Test 5.wav
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/316466/Amp Test/V Test 6.wav
Yeah, I def think there's a sweet spot somewhere between 3.5 and 4. It's kinda funny, but without ever doing something like this. I've always landed at about 3.5 just turning til it sound right.
Mesa standard 4x12. I didn't realize I should have put this in the "rate my tone" thread. I wasn't asking for opinions on tone, just offering for other to hear the shootout I did. Sorry if I misplaced the thread.
Mesa standard 4x12. I didn't realize I should have put this in the "rate my tone" thread. I wasn't asking for opinions on tone, just offering for other to hear the shootout I did. Sorry if I misplaced the thread.

tbh...I didn't know where to put it myself....Equipment would have worked, too (to a degree even production tips).
I've just put it here because here are so many comparisons, settings, clips etc already (I did for example the same test with the Marshall 2203 here)
3.5 sounded the best to me. 4 was second best. 6 was definitely just too much really.
can't believe ive only just seen this thread,

been a really handy tone test!! the lower post gain settings seem to derrive more punch, however with the added fizz, whereas the more its turned up, the fizz disappears, but so does the punch i think!

Listening to it i would ideally go for 3 ish, however, i prefer fizz, and would have more to work with tone wise, so for that id say between 2 and 3 depending on the amp/cab/TS settings!

cheers for posting this dude!
5 and 6 is def too much ...in 2 and 2.5 one can ear some fizzness that goes away at3 onwards.

nice shootout THX :)