El Norra Alila is my absolute favorite. Of this album I love all 15 tracks - either complete songs or some special sections of songs.
"Find Yourself, Discover God" for the winged riff santur vs. distorted guitar (got it as my ringtone) and for the message
"Like Fire To Water" for the wild ethnic percussion vs. death metal riff in the middle
"The Truth Within" for synagogue choir vs. distorted guitar intro and for its catchy aggressive main riff, and zen flute and the violin+chant violin
"The Path Ahead" for the heroic guitar vs. violin intro attack
"A Neverending Way" for its slow gothic pace and flavor so good for slow chillouts at a metal club, and for moody prayer-like chants
"Takasim" for its crunchy Middle Eastern authenticity and its spiritual flavor. It could serve as one of sountracks for my favorite movie "Baraka"
"Thee By The Father I Pray" - for its wonderful intro and cool main riff, and the epic prayer-like chant in the middle, and folk outro. Full comprehension of this song struck me at that memorable OL concert in Moscow - there I was growling along with "Goooooooood" and chanting along with the "la-la-la" part

And the song is one of my favorite songs of Orpaned Land.
"Flawless Belief" for its total aggressive heaviness and the brilliant prayer piece in the middle "Ooo-ou, pray the Lord..."
"Joy" is my favorite danceable ethnic music piece by OL, bringing light and joy - I had it as my ringtone for a long time.
"Whisper My Name When You Dream" - great intro including inhumanely long growling and totally gothic female vocals "Sing for me... " and the passionate middle part with violin "I would die for you oh my lord... My kingdom of lust is yours.", and the song's acoustic outro which I consider worth being a separate full song.
"Shir Hama`alot" for its ethnic authenticity - the song really brings me to Middle East, and everyone hearing it assumes it's a Muslim prayer, tho its a Jewish one. If I want to demonstrate all versatility of my musical preferences this piece represents one of essential parts of them.
"El Meod Na`ala" - had it as my ringtone when living in a ultra-nationalist society, as a mean for self-expression and challenging of their xenophobic standards. About this ancient prayer in Hebrew, everyone assumes it's Muslim, and it's hell of heavy and aggressive, a true symbol of Orphaned Land. Tried to sing along with it at the concert in Moscow reading English transcription from a sheet
"Of Temptation Born" - perfect distorted and creatively overdubbed aggressive intro with santur and violin, a real anthem of oriental metal. And then another characteristic oriental metal passage with growling "foreveer ooorphaned!"
"The Evil Urge" - perfectly gothic, with a deep meaning text, great singing and violin, ending with a wonderful absolutely atmospheric minimalist violin riff having a mesmerizing effect on me.
"Shir Hashirim" - a unique creative collage including shofar sound, clean El Norra Alila liturgical chant, genuine muedzin's "Allahu akbar" chant and mysterious atmospheric effects bringing you to to some dark mysterious plains beyond religions and churches.
Ah, let the next OL's release be El Norra Alila vol. II