Electric drumkit + EZ triggering performance


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
I know some of you have done this before and in the past ive always been a bit skeptical of trying it but I saw a video of somebody doing similar and it sounded awesome! Plus im really going off the default samples built into my kit. Ive got a Roland TD3KW (if that matters), basically I dont know where to start besides link the MIDI cables up to my interface :p

Another question while im on, would it be possible to trigger the EZ samples however using Drumagog on the kick and snare and being able to trigger those too? Because the EZ ones arnt the best. Its just for a little bedroom practice with a friend and im looking for tastier samples....thus...EZ!

Thanks! :)
Hey, not sure about the workings of Sonar, but your kit probably defaults to the C1 octave, which is the default Kick note in EZD. Take a look in the EZD manual at the MIDI key mappings. You'll have to setup your kit's interface to send the appropriate note to your interface. For example, you want the kick to send note C1 (which is probably does by default) and you want your snare to send any of these notes: C#1 (side-stick), D1 or D#1 (right-hand hit) and then there is a left-handed hit on A0. Depending on your kit and the capabilities you may be able to set-up the sidestick (C#1) to play when you hit the side of your snare pad, open/closed hi-hat, etc. Then it's just a matter of sending the MIDI input in Sonar to EZD. If you can run at a really lower buffer setting the latency may be tolerable, but when I'm on a MIDI kit I'd much rather monitor using the kit's brain because there isn't any latency. Good luck with it, you're gonna have to crack a manual or two.
Thanks for the reply :) Yeah ive had a look and I can map all the notes to the kit part on the drum brain itself, so I guess they just have to corrispond with the EZ notes. Im using the DKFS addon, I think ive seen the midi mapping somewhere in the manual, ill dig it out. Im gonna give this a go tommorow.

Ohh no not latency :p Ive had problems with that with pretty much everything so im sure it will fuck me over doing this as well, but meh ill give it a shot! :)
Actually I use to have a Hart e-kit running via MIDI from the Alesis DM-5 brain into my PowerBook and triggering both Drumkit From Hell Superior as well as EZdrummer (pop/rock kit, dfh, and vintage add-ons) in real-time with virtually no latency. I use an Edirol UM-1ex MIDI->USB adapter. Worked fine for anything except death metal, or rather anything with blast beats in it. Once a drummer tried doing blast beats it was pointless. Anything else though (rock, punk, jazz, fusion, country, anything but metal), sounded great. If I had a better e-kit or module (wish I had a Roland TD20) I'm sure it would be fine for metal, but meh. I'd rather get a real kit and trigger it up.

Yeah, it was kinda the same deal for me. I don't have a space for recording a full acoustic set...nor the tolerance from the neighbors, haha. Since I get mostly metal bands I just go to their practice space, or alternatively they can rent a rehearsal space that's well treated (fuck yeah), and record their drums there. Guitars, bass and vox are all done back at the house though. Working out quite nicely so far.

Nice one, sounds good too me! I just want to try and get this too work when I play along with a guitarist just for the crack rather than recording plus I dont do the blast stuff just the double bass stuff. Hopefully it can cope with that? lol
Actually I use to have a Hart e-kit running via MIDI from the Alesis DM-5 brain into my PowerBook and triggering both Drumkit From Hell Superior as well as EZdrummer (pop/rock kit, dfh, and vintage add-ons) in real-time with virtually no latency. I use an Edirol UM-1ex MIDI->USB adapter.

How did you get no latency when using the PowerBook, when the computer introduces a buffer for the audio & plugin processing?

I can run as low as a buffer of 64, but that is still 64 samples of latency and noticeable when playing drums.

I dunno man, I just know that I had several drummers play on the kit and none of them said anything about it being delayed. It sounded spot on every time they jammed on it, almost no latency. I'm sure there was some, but not enough to notice.
