Electric Eye live


Gimmee Caffeine
Jun 4, 2002
A building somewhere in Sydney
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I've been reading this forum for a little while - but this is my first post. So go easy on me :spin:

Anyway - I was listening to Priest's '98 Live Meltdown cd on the way home from work (gotta hate those damn trains when they are packed) .... and listening to Ripper sing Electric Eye inspired me to whip out Priest Live and hear Rob H sing it live.

I actually prefer Ripper's version 'coz it sounds a bit "dirtier". That may well be because of the production - but I also think that Ripper's voice suits the song better.
Hey Weetbix! I prefer Vita Brits myself, but I won't hold that against ya!

Nah, can't help you with the Priest thing. I have the Ripper version, but the only Halford-era CD I have is Metalworks, or whatever it's called... that big two-CD compilation thing!
I only have Priest Live not Live Meltdown so I don't know... but I saw Priest live last year with Ripper singing and I must say, in most of the songs he ripped (excuse the pun) Halford to shreds. So much power!!!
Hello Weetbix and welcome aboard :).

I haven't heard Priest Live as I still have a lot of catching up to where JP is concerned, but I do have 98 Live Meltdown and that version of the song is a great start to one of the best live albums ever :rock:

I love Ripper's version. It rocks :rock: (Not that Halford's is at all shabby)

:notworthy Halford - Live Insurrection - Electric Eye :rock:

Ripper does rule though, he can scream higher than Halford and thats saying something :)
I went into the Priest concert last year wishing Halford was singing.... (coz the songs I'd heard from Demolition sucked so I thought Ripper would be crap)

I walked out saying "Halford who?"

I have to admit i wasn't quite sure what to expect seeing Judas Priest without Halford (and i haven't heard any of Ripper songs or his versions of Halford's songs before the Sydney gig) but i had been waiting a long time to see Priest play live and after hearing the 1st song with Ripper....my only thought was who needs Rob Halford!I was very impressed with Ripper's versions of the early Priset stuff.I don't have Meltdown98 but i do have Priest Live('84) on both vinyl and CD and i love this album :rock: