Judas Priest - Electric Eye DVD

Judas Priest are so much better than VVI that I laughed myself stupider than Troops for TEN WHOLE MINUTES after I read his post ;) :)
spawn said:
Its not fun dammit! Its HEAVY FUCKING METAL! :)

Would having the Nightcrawler kick your ass be fun? I. DONT. THINK. SO.

What if The Hell Patrol ran you over? FUN? No.

What if the Painkiller breathed fire all over you? WELL?

Pfft. Fun.
LOL! This thread is pretty fun. :lol:

I listened to the whole album again this evening during my jog (good album to exercise to I might add), and god it rips. Anyway, what I was trying to say earlier about it being more anthemic with a heavy edge than fun, was that it isn't anthemic in a fist in the air, 'Rock Hard Ride Free' kind of way, but more an extremely catchy yet still adrenaline pumping kind of way. What Trent is trying to say is how I feel about 'Ram It Down', heavier than most of their earlier stuff, but still fun and anthemic. 'Painkiller' is heavier and more cutting edge, but less fun.

Also, 'All Guns Blazing' is another fast paced metal fest, along with the title track. :rock:
Yeah definitely as a band Judas Priest are better. I mean 30 years and 15+ albums compared to 3 years and 2 albums... :lol:

But Vinnie Vincent Invasion's debut is my favourite album of all time so nothing Priest has done matches that album, personally for me! Nothing Kiss has done, including their stuff with Vinnie, matches that album and Kiss are my favourite band. In fact the only album I can think of that comes close to knocking that off (and I'm actually liking more than VVI at the moment) is Kane Roberts - Saints & Sinners album. So I guess those are my 2 favourite albums pretty much set in concrete at the moment until i hear something new that I like as much.
He was Alice Cooper's guitarist on Constrictor and Raise Your Fist & Yell. Then he did a solo album, self titled, in 1987 which isn't bad. Then in 1991 he teamed up with Desmond Child to write his second solo album "Saints & Sinners" and every song on the album has a chorus at least as big as Livin' On A Prayer (with fatter sounding backing vocals!). And I mean that seriously, 10 songs, 10 choruses that big! There's not a bad song on the album and the whole thing just sounds HUGE. Massive sounding big boy guitars and massive choruses pretty much summarizes the album.

Oh and he looks like Sylvester Stallone haha! On the self titled album cover he is looks like Rambo - he has his muscles all oiled up, wearing bullet belts over his chest and carrying a guitar thats shaped like an M-16 machine gun in front of burning buildings and stuff haha! But the 2nd album is the album!
too funny to read all whats going on this thread...Kane Roberts wow thats going back a bit.

Kane Roberts is the muscle man guitarist that was in Alice Coopers band then went solo. His Saints & Sinners album is quite good if youre into Desmond Child style rockers - from memory Child co-wrote everything on the album and produced it too. Vinnie Vincent's first album is much better than the second one - Pity vocalist Robert Fleishman didn't hang around.

Speaking of Alice Cooper his recent album The Eyes of Alice Cooper is great!

now playing; Gemini Rockets - Babylon Rockets (another one for you to chase up Troops- good uptempo modern hard rock album - kinda glammy in image - good songs - shotgun messiah meets backyard babies?) www.gemini5.net
BlindGuardianKill said:
Kane Roberts is the muscle man guitarist that was in Alice Coopers band then went solo. His Saints & Sinners album is quite good if youre into Desmond Child style rockers - from memory Child co-wrote everything on the album and produced it too. Vinnie Vincent's first album is much better than the second one - Pity vocalist Robert Fleishman didn't hang around.

Yep Desmond co-wrote every track and I think produced it as well. The songs have Desmond Child written all over them really. I love his style of songwriting so this is just a perfect album for me, and imo the best album he ever worked on!

Yeah VVI's self titled album kills All Systems Go. There are a few problems with ASG I think, I reckon the more layered sounding melodic tracks are awesome but the more straight ahead rockers really really lack something on it. Songs like Naughty Naughty, Dirty Rhythm, Burn and Heavy Pettin' for example have good choruses and lots of potential but would really benefit from having been produced & recorded the way the debut was - edgy guitar sound, lead fills all over the joint, screaming solos & Robert's voice. Without that they come across as very bland and uninspired tracks I think. However the songs like Ashes To Ashes, Love Kills, That Time Of Year, etc are just excellent.

There seems to be a bit of an identity crisis at times on that record. It should have been either full blown melodic hard rock like those tracks all the way through and the sleazier songs could've been saved for a future record with the sound of the debut. Still a killer album though and definitely in the top league of hard rock albums in the '80s. But the debut is just such a perfect record for me - my favourite ever.
I would have said Mark Slaughter was the problem with the second album. You might like him but im not a fan personally. I find his voice kinda painful and I like high singer.

Ive got some Vinnie Vincent demo tapes with Jeff Scott Soto singing somewhere. I think I have Goran Edman ones somewhere too. And thats probably why John Norum had a cover of Back on the Streets on his first solo album. Great song.
I like Mark Slaughter's voice but also agree that it's a problem with the album. At times though. I think it sounds awesome on my 3 fave tracks that I mentioned, but the rockier songs are definitely spoilt by his voice and Robert would've sounded alot better. Also, if Mark hadn't joined the band and teamed up with Dana perhaps the album wouldn't have been so toned down as it was. I think Mark's voice sounds good in Slaughter though.

I've heard one of the songs with Jeff Scott Soto singing and it was great :) Have you heard the demo's Vinnie recorded in 1990/1991 for "Guitars From Hell"? I have a few of them, I'm actually unclear as to whether they are demos or the unmixed recordings from the album because I know the album did end up being finished but never released. Anyway, Robert Fleischman is back on vocals and it basically sounds like the first album except even more over the top and a bit groovier in places (less straight up rock beats and more Tommy Lee Feelgood era style grooves). However there is no rhythm guitar behind the main guitar solos in the songs and that really is a problem with them, sounds very empty. Though the properly mixed versions might sound alot better.

It almost got released a couple of years ago too by a minor label but then he turned down the deal coz it wasn't enough money. IDIOT. Just get it out there!
I know Vincent sold something on his site a while ago and very inflated prices which pissed off a lot of the fans. Not sure if it was Guitars from Hell or not. Some of the songs I have include Wild Child, Young Blood, Rock's On Fire, etc with Fleishman.

I was never a Slaughter fan but have some of the albums. One of the last ones was horrible I thought - Back to Reality or Fear No Evil..cant recall?. Still they have their fan base that likes them. Are they still going?
I know Vinnie promised an "Archives" boxed set that still hasn't come out, however he released a CD called Speedball Jamm which he called Volume 1 of the Archives, and that was a 71 minute guitar solo recorded live at rehearsal in 1986. Who the fuck wants to hear that? Give us songs! Those songs you've heard are all on Guitars From Hell but not sure which versions. Could be demos, could be unmixed ones, there are tons of alternative versions around of those songs. "Wild Child" was actually re-recorded in 1996 for an EP called Euphoria along with 2 other GFH tracks (Euphoria & Full Shred) and a new one called Get The Led Out but the production was woeful, almost painful to listen to. Way too ear piercing and the drums sounded horrid, the cymbals were loud as fuck and you could barely hear the kick & snare! Around that time there was also another album planned called Guitarmageddon and I'm not sure if it was demoed or recorded properly or just written & not recorded at all but apparently it was meant to be his most over the top songs, titles included Heavy Metal Poontang & Cock Teazer for example haha!

Yep Slaughter are still goin, and last year guess who replaced Blas as their temporary drummer for the tour? BOBBY ROCK. So Slaughter was 3/4 of Vinnie Vincent Invasion! I really like the "Back To Reality" album, I think its their best since The Wild Life in '92 (thats my fave by them). Fear No Evil is pretty good too, has a few great songs but packed with filler also & too many ballads as usual. But in between those 2 they released "Revolution" which I didn't like, very '70s stoner/psychadelic sounding album that one!
Revolution might have been the one I'm thinking of. It's great you like em. That's what it's all about - if it works for ya - enjoy it.

My taste is quite broad and I like lots of different type of stuff too from aor to heavier to different stuff like Tori Amos and Blackmore's Night.
I just wish they didn't put so many freakin' ballads on their albums and I'd probably like them more. Take The Wild Life for example.. it does have 15 tracks, so a few fillers still leaves lots of great stuff, but I reckon if you took 3 or 4 of the fillers off my overall impression of the album would be alot better (still my fave Slaughter album tho) because I wouldn't have to skip any songs! What's with Streets of Broken Hearts? That song blows! "Real Love" is a killer ballad though, one of my faves :)