Judas Priest - Electric Eye DVD

Besides the song "Painkiller" though, look at songs like Hell Patrol, Leather Rebel, Night Crawler, One Shot At Glory, Metal Meltdown, etc. It's all very anthemic & fun! It's a great achievement coz they were able to take everything they were about over the last 15 years of their career and really take it to their climax with that album and bring it into the '90s at the same time.
I think it has the fun qualities moreso than the anthemic qualities. The choruses are nowhere near as big as Livin' After Midnight or Rock Hard Ride Free... but the fun is still there.
Nightcrawler is gothic and scary dammit! :mad:

Huddled in the cellar
Fear caught in their eyes
Daring not to move or breathe
As the creature cries
Fingernails start scratching
On the outside wall
Clawing at the windows
'Come to me' it calls
Atmosphere's electric
As it now descend the stairs
Hiding in the darkness
Is so futile from its glare
Death comes in an instant
As they hoped it would
Souls ascend to heaven
While it feasts on flesh and blood

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy BEST LYRICS EVER! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
And what about the masterpiece that is Touch Of Evil? :notworthy :notworthy

The Trooper said:
I think it has the fun qualities moreso than the anthemic qualities. The choruses are nowhere near as big as Livin' After Midnight or Rock Hard Ride Free... but the fun is still there.
Its not fun dammit! Its HEAVY FUCKING METAL! :)

Would having the Nightcrawler kick your ass be fun? I. DONT. THINK. SO.

What if The Hell Patrol ran you over? FUN? No.

What if the Painkiller breathed fire all over you? WELL?

Pfft. Fun.
It is fun! Just because it isn't happy doesn't mean it isn't fun! It's fun like an '80s horror movie is fun! And what are you talking about anyway, most classic "heavy fucking metal" lol is FUN. That's all its about - FUN!
Besides I wasn't even just referring to the lyrics. I was referring to the sound of the music. It's fun, fist-in-the-air classic metal, just with a heavier edge than their '80s stuff.
You think a metal meltdown is funny? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE PEOPLE WORKING AT THE PLANT? WELL??!
I think Trent's totally lost it now!! Painkiller is not fun, unless you find banging your head against a brick wall at 180bpm's somewhat enjoyable..
I'm not talking about the song! The title track of Painkiller is the only million miles an hour intense sounding rip-fest on the album. Most of the other tracks are mid-paced fun classic Priest metal anthems at heart, just spruced up a bit with a heavier production & more double kick.
The main point here though that we've all been trying to make but haven't been able to put into words, is that it's no Vinnie Vincent Invasion anyway.