Electric Guitars...

Jack Damien

The Voice of the Fog
Apr 20, 2003
Hartwell, Ga
What's the best electric guitar for metal similiar to Opeth( good tone, lightweight, good distortion) I want it to have as much features as possible...for melodic Metal...It can't be a PRS(not enough $$$) price range-$500-$750...thanx in advance...see ya
You can get an ESP F-400 for around $700
It's a personal favorite

Basically any ESP above $500 if it has EMG 81 pickups, which, I would replace anyways, but that's just me, if you like them, keep them, if not, go for Seymour Duncan Live Wire Heavy Metal pickups:

Let me know if I was of any help to you.
Well I personally don't like new guitars. I have owned 14 guitars in my lifetime and only one of them was new. New guitars have no soul and they have to be played for a long time to acquire one. That is simply my personal preference, but I can tell you $750 could buy you a pretty high-end used axe.
I find one of the more versatile guitars to be Ibanez. Though Opeth is "death metal," they are a pretty terchnical band with some great guitar work and a mid/higher-end Ibanez would work great with that style. A used neck-thru quilt top Peavey Vandenberg is also a monster axe but are truly a rare find. People just don't sell them.

I agree with Bryant's idea of Ibanez but only if it's mid/high end models which aren't that expensive anyway. I play this style of music on my Ibanez RG421 which is the first MIJ in their line (not made anymore), so the quality is real good, it just needs new pickups. Also, I would recommend some kind of a Les Paul with clear and warm pickups because Ibanez guitars can really lack some good clean tone sometimes, and if you wanna jump into clean/acoustic passages in your music live or in recordings (assuming you don't have a mic) then this would also be a nice choice.
Thanks guys, I've narrowed down my decision to Ibanez rg models, but I can only find the prices of a select few, so do any of you know the prices? My range as said before is $500 to $750. Thanks in advance for the help, see-ya.
Erik said:
Whee, RG421's rule, that's what I have. While it can be considered a mid-range Ibanez, it was really cheap on closeout sale (they don't make them anymore, as LA said,) don't remember, about $250 or something... Anyhoo, $500 to $750 will get you an Ibanez with a lot of pwnage in it, like, I dunno, the RG1570 for $600... Still, that will get you the same Ibanez V8 and V7 pickups that are in every mid range RG, perhaps get an even flashier model and you will get DiMarzio pickups, like this RG2570 but personally I'd just get a 470 or something and change the pickups.
Looks second hand. Any RG5xx (the old number designations dont startwith the 1), RG7xx (if you dont mind square neck joint instead of the newer rounded one) or even an s540 (the OLD s series when they still had lo pro edge trems)

Dont buy new, you'll get a kisckass old high end Ibanez for the money you've got, with enough left over to buy a backup or replacement pickups if you're smart.
musiciansfriend.com and their prices are really good, or americanmusical.com if you qualify will let you pay in three equal installments and their prices are good too. Ibanez, ESP, Import Jacksons, Schecter, those are all pretty good in that mentioned price range.
Thanks, now I'm torn between the Rg470 (and getting new pickups), and the rg1570. I don't I still a couple months worth of paychecks to get. (I manage money as best I can) Thanks anyway, any other opinions?