Electronic/Pop/Dance producers, can you help me with getting this sound?


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK

The main synth line in the chorus. You can hear it better the first time round, starts at 42 seconds.

I have the initial synth sound (I think), just a pretty basic, fat, 8 bit sounding kinda synth, but its the weird pitch bends I cant get my head round where to start.

Automating pitch bends? Step sequencer? Automating an LFO?

How do?!

Edit: I have done some youtubing and googling on how to get this certain sound, but I dont even know what to call it!
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Detox is spot on. On some synths it will labelled as portamento and others as glide. It controls the time it takes to reach a note. If the note is further away (i.e. D3 to F6) It will take longer to reach it, where if its close (i.e D3 to E3) it wont take as long. Thats why in this dance stuff u'll often hear it slide up a fair way. Thats to get the full effect of the portamento.
Hope this was some help man!
Some synths give you the option to make the portamento trigger always or only when playing legato, which gives nice possibilities when played/programmed right.
And a rarely seen variant is glissando, which is like portamento but steps through the notes between.

Also, to nerd it up some more, I remember reading that there are at least two different "curves" to the way the portamento glides... :oops:
Detox is spot on. On some synths it will labelled as portamento and others as glide. It controls the time it takes to reach a note. If the note is further away (i.e. D3 to F6) It will take longer to reach it, where if its close (i.e D3 to E3) it wont take as long. Thats why in this dance stuff u'll often hear it slide up a fair way. Thats to get the full effect of the portamento.
Hope this was some help man!

Got it man! Sorted :) Thanks!

I did original have that sort of idea but it wasnt sounding right, did some more tweaking and I think I got it. Just initialized my Subtractor in Reason and made it from scratch, easy enough!

Thanks to all though.

Anybody know any decent sites for free dance samples?
Glad to be of help man. Honestly with the free samples Google it up. Dance kicks and dance snares are pretty easy to find. goodluck with the cover. Im keen to hear it when you're done!