Electronics-knowledgeable people: plz halp.

Dec 10, 2012
Washington, DC
So I bought a pair of cheapo M-Audio AV 40 monitors from a guy on craigslist. They were fine for about a month, but now the left speaker is crackling like crazy and cutting out sometimes. Apparently this a common issue because they're poorly manufactured. I found this fix:


I am a production newb, so I don't quite understand what the outcome is. Apparently these speakers are now active, and this would make them passive.

But if I can't connect anything to the inputs, as the author says, how could I use them? I'm using a Line6 UX1 interface that has line inputs, a stereo monitor in, and analog out jacks. If I did the minor surgery suggested in that post, would I even be able to use these speakers with my computer and the UX1, or would I need to buy a separate amp? I'm confused. Thank you!

edit: I think I understand. I have a JVC stereo (lol, I know) with a set of big-ass speakers that connect to it via cooper wires. If I understand correctly, turning the AV-40s into passive speakers will let me connect them to the stereo in lieu of its normal speakers, since it has a built-in power amp. Let me know if I'm wrong, haha.

Update: it worked! If any of you guys have these piece o'shit speakers, I highly recommend it. Easy fix and it sounds great.