
Elend is the only band to really scare me with music. I've jumped due to some cheap moments on other records, but the first time I listened to Winds Devouring Men in the dark, I had to turn it off about have way through.

Having such a powerful reaction, I had to buy it. :)

I have their latest but I haven't had much time to listen to it yet.
I've only listened to "Sunwar the Dead" once, and I've had it since it came out. I really need to give it (and WDM) some more listens. First impression was good though.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Elend is the only band to really scare me with music. I've jumped due to some cheap moments on other records, but the first time I listened to Winds Devouring Men in the dark, I had to turn it off about have way through.

Having such a powerful reaction, I had to buy it. :)

I have their latest but I haven't had much time to listen to it yet.

Have you ever heard Bethlehem's Dictius Te Necare? Not so scary as it is extremely unsettling, mostly due to the vocals.
haha yeah that sucks.

It is Elend - Lecons de Tenebres, according to my tradelist. Yeah that sounds like a fair trade, if this is the Elend you want. Shall we say SOCOCOOOROOERSE now?