

Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
I really want to try and get into this band. I've listened to some of their stuff on youtube and have been very impressed. I love the atmosphere of the music. I realize this thread may not flourish, but I started it so that I might get some opinions on this band, their best release(s), where to start, etc. Also, I thought it might just be good to hear some people talk about them. So, it's a recommendation thread of sorts. Thanks in advance!
I only have one of there albums, the last one they made ( iirc, i read that quite a while ago ). anyways, the album is called A World in there Screams Check it out yooooo
Talk to DarkBliss. He recommended The Umbersun to me once. I didn't give it the most thorough listen, but it didn't sound like something I would get into.
Don't hesitate, just buy their entire catalogue and then wonder what the fuck you've been doing all your life.

But if you're just looking for somewhere to start go with The Umbersun or Les Ténèbres du Dehors, although their latest A World in Their Screams is probably almost as good and more easily available too. Although I think The Umbersun was re-released recently. If you want something different, try Winds Devouring Men which is more a mellow darkwave sound as opposed to the violent neo-classical stuff on their other albums.
Talk to DarkBliss. He recommended The Umbersun to me once. I didn't give it the most thorough listen, but it didn't sound like something I would get into.

Yea, I did. Even if I don't like them. I thought you would(it was a follow-up rec to Puissance). This stuff is too chaotic for me.
All of their albums are worth hearing. The Umbersun is a good place to start.
The only one i've heard so far is A World In Their Screams and I love it. Really dark stuff, darker than a lot of metal i've heard.
A lot of music outside of metal is darker and sometimes heavier than any metal that I've listened to.
The general neckbeard cheesiness of metal can take away from the dark aspect I find.

The Umbersun is great though, definitely get into it.
Interestingly enough, when I searched some of their albums on google, a result came up on the Metal Archives. As it turns out, despite their separation from metal, they have a page there. They must be dark and heavy indeed to earn a spot. I'm even more intrigued.
Yes, there are a couple more dark ambient/darkwave and martial industrial acts listed on MA. But I think it's mainly because they are side-projects of members in metal bands.
A lot of music outside of metal is darker and sometimes heavier than any metal that I've listened to.

I know, my comment was based on the usual misconception amongst metalheads that metal is the be all - end all of dark music.

As it turns out, despite their separation from metal, they have a page there. They must be dark and heavy indeed to earn a spot. I'm even more intrigued.

They were signed to a metal label according to their bio, that probably was their gateway to the metal population.

If you're interested in this type of music you might as well check out Chaostar, similar to Elend but with more choral arrangements.
They had difficulty getting signed to a normal label for stuff like darkwave and neoclassical music early on, because of the screams and things that aren't typically associated with that style of music. A metal label was much more receptive of the band.