Modern Prog-Rock

Finally im getting into Dream Theater( kinnda rock/metal, i just felt like posting it here.)

Saw them live just a few days ago. Everyone should see them live fyi.:)

btw I was so impressed that Im now covering erotomania with my band.

Yeah, I'm not big on Dream Theater either but that song is amazing. Actually, Awake is just a phenomenal album overall.
Shit..... I've been into Dream Theater since '92 when Images and Words came out.... some people just arent tuff enough. Dream Theater wrote the book on modern progressive metal and sparked the giant surge of progressive bands that followed... end of story

rock?....... lol
dredg is the best of the new progressive rock bands :) BY FAR. (they're better than the majority of the old prog bands too)
I would suggest Spocks Beard or Transatlantic. Or a band called Tiles. They sound a lot like Rush musically, but the vocals aren't as Geddy Lee-ish. Also, they are a bit catchier singing/songwriting-wise.
dredg is the best of the new progressive rock bands :) BY FAR. (they're better than the majority of the old prog bands too)

Just listened to this album. Sounds brilliant, amazing vocals, just not too sure about its staying power, though, given it's quite poppy. It certainly makes a change from all the proggy post-rock around these days - it's like they're all too afraid to actually write something catchy.
As I Am is kickass. Train Of Thought is one of my favorite Dream Theater albums.
What's funny about Erotomania is Portnoy came up with the music, fucking around on his drums. Our guitar player has such an ego....don't get me wrong, he's a good guitarist, but only he thinks he's brilliant. But he has limitations. Years ago, he thought Steve Howe, and a few other prog guitarist were great, so he asked me to make some copies of some of Howe's instrumentals with Yes. He couldn't play them, so all of a sudden, Steve Howe sucks. He kinda tried to learn DT's Under A Glass Moon last year, but to no avail, he's just not that good. And he thinks he has good ears, and always tries to tell us and other people that certain riffs(when he plays them aloud) are in this key, or go this way. He's so egotistical, that he won't fucking look up the notation for DT guitar. Good luck, said "learn" which is something that our guitarist doesn't bother to do....he stops, and will say "nevermind, lets do this cover" instead of actually learning how it goes...he just won't admit he can't play everything!