Organic sounding prog metal and prog rock

Ender Rises

Wass sappening?
I like Opeth. I do not like Porcupine Tree. PT sound too manufactured and not organic enough, not raw enough. I want prog metal in the organic vein of Opeth. I also want prog rock that sounds organic. I despise overproduction and it will quickly ruin a band unless the production is to separate the instrument's sounds (I.E. Rush). If it detracts from the energy of the music too much I hate it.

Gimme some recs!
Pain of salvation

Their vocalist will just blow you away.

Symphony-X(vocals sounds so harsh yet so clean)
Arcturus-(alien vocals anyone?!)
Shadow Gallery
For the Symphony X, try Divine Wings Of Tragedy, it's probably the closest of their albums to what you're looking for. Flows extremely well.
It's spelled differently. You should listen to them, it's fucking EPIC orchestral progressive metal (and instrumental).