Dark prog

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Talk about someone who doesn't know his ass from his elbow...

There is no way that you've heard their latest discs since you providing incorrect information about them...

It's OK that you haven't just stop acting like you have!

When it comes to musical experience mine trumps your so much that I would bet I bought my first album before your father decided to plant his seed in your mom.....

Great point again wankerness!

I'm curious what bands are making the type of progressive music that NFU and affinityband are talking about...

The only one I recall is Unexpect...
Talk about someone who doesn't know his ass from his elbow...

There is no way that you've heard their latest discs since you providing incorrect information about them...

It's OK that you haven't just stop acting like you have!

When it comes to musical experience mine trumps your so much that I would bet I bought my first album before your father decided to plant his seed in your mom.....

lol, your musical experience trumps mine? youre so out of your league pal, seriously...id shut up before you embarrass yourself ANY further.
i dont remember you asking for "suggestions". but maybe i read too fast. your need to inquire about Ulver of all bands...especially in a "dark progressive" thread basically just proves my point entirely. w1n

Here you have it again folks the forum elitist thinks that he wins without actually writing anything... I'm sure you made this claim in the past with the hope that some of the kids here will believe you... I'm not so sure that those out of their teens will though... What "league" is it that your claiming to be in?

This is great you just can't make stuff like this up...
I know you're gonna hate me saying this but ask NFU. I only have the Blake album (because I suck). I really, really want to get some more albums soon though.

I wouldn't hate it... NFU has made some great suggestions in the area of mellow stuff... My grandmother even likes it but as I said in the past he knows very little about rock/metal bands as I'm sure you already have noticed....
not even the almighty ":erk:" can express my thoughts here
Does this work better?


Just trying to help out.
I NEVER seen a person claim so much and deliver so little....

For a self claimed Ulver expert I see how you danced around and didn't answer anything about their back catalog... Why is that?
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