Dark prog

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What happened no childish name calling Affinityband?
Did you actually develop some self esteem?


This stuff is too fucking funny!
just thought i'd help point out how much more mature Liquid Tension is than everyone else

Some of you people really need to get out....

I'm sorry thast doesn't please you so much that need to resort to childish name calling....

Did you actually develop some self esteem?

oh, shit, guess it isn't possible
Yeah from what wankerness has said, it makes alot of sense. And its very true that alot of these 'prog' bands are very cheesy. But the fact is that the bands that originally started this argument was:
Dark Suns
Empyrean Sky

Now, my original notition for starting this argument was that those bands werent in the least bit 'prog'. But maybe my point about how a band has to be 'progressive' to be 'prog' was a bit broad. But what i quoted was that Liquid tension used the word progressive rather than 'prog'. So i took it as a chance to answer his question on how ''When a band comes out with a new progressive sound you will call them progressive so what happens when they have a follow up disc that doesn't change that much?''. I thought he was talking about them being innovative rather than using the term as a genre.

I see. I didn't wade through the rest of the thread I just looked to see where it was at now. Regardless, out of the few of those I've heard (Wolverine, Riverside, Nevermore, Dark Suns) I'd definitely call Wolverine, Riverside and Dark Suns prog but hell if I know if I'd call them actually innovative (or "Progressive"), probably not. Some of their albums sound different from one another, but I don't think that means shit...no one said Metallica was progressive rock for releasing the Loads.
Great point wankerness....

I wouldn't call these bands metal anymore either....

Dark Suns
And, all the progress made in the last page has been erased.

Of course they're not progressive, but they're prog rock/metal in terms of accepted genre classification.

i havent ruined any progress. i completely understand that to many people, the term "prog metal" although not "progressive" in the literal sense is indeed a genre used to describe a certain kind of metal. But that doesnt mean i have to agree with, or accept that fact. Does it? If liquid tension doesnt know his ass from his elbow, then thats not my problem, its his.
yea, i heard all those acts before you did.....fyi.

Talk about someone who doesn't know his ass from his elbow...

There is no way that you've heard their latest discs since you providing incorrect information about them...

It's OK that you haven't just stop acting like you have!

When it comes to musical experience mine trumps your so much that I would bet I bought my first album before your father decided to plant his seed in your mom.....
i havent ruined any progress. i completely understand that to many people, the term "prog metal" although not "progressive" in the literal sense is indeed a genre used to describe a certain kind of metal. But that doesnt mean i have to agree with, or accept that fact. Does it? If liquid tension doesnt know his ass from his elbow, then thats not my problem, its his.

That's true, but how would you classify bands like Wolverine, Dark Suns, Spock's Beard, The Flower Kings, etcetcetc if not "prog"? They're aping older prog bands, and since every other genre works like "if band y rips off band x's sound they are generally considered to be the same genre as band x" I don't see why prog should be any different. I'm kind of expecting some cop out answer like "their genre is CRAP!" but I'm honestly curious.
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