Elixir and other coated strings - playability?


Mar 4, 2012
I know this topic comes up from time to time, but I recently decided to try out Elixir strings. So far, I'm a fan - the sustain on them is crazy (can hold an E power chord for 30 seconds and it just won't stop), the tone is great (if slightly harsh), etc

However, they are a complete bitch to play. I don't know if I'm alone with this, but I find that I can barely play lead guitar with them - my fingers just slip on them way too much due to the coating, leading to tons of mistakes, especially when it comes to bends etc. When my hands sweat, the strings get amazingly slippery and even my rhythm playing gets sloppy.

Is this normal, and is there an adjustment period? I've used other coated strings (D'addario EXP, Ernie Ball Titanium, etc.) but they never lasted me much longer than the regular ones and they didn't sound as good either. I went to Elixirs as a more "extreme" solution to reduce how often I buy strings, but is this something you can get used to and overcome to the point where your playing doesn't suffer at all, or do people just sort of deal with it? Are there any other brands that have the same tone and longevity, but retain playability?

I feel kind of bad because my tone with them is very good, even after close to a week, but it's like I've lost five years of skill in playing. Then again, I almost have to wonder if it's just revealing existing flaws in my technique and making me work harder to play things properly. :D
Fuck Elexirs when you can get 3 packs of Daddarios for the same $. I can't stand that coating.
Also, don't you know the new trend: Cobalt strings ! ? (Never tried yet.. waiting for them to arrive at the store)
Fuck Elexirs when you can get 3 packs of Daddarios for the same $. I can't stand that coating.
Also, don't you know the new trend: Cobalt strings ! ? (Never tried yet.. waiting for them to arrive at the store)
Not where I live. The store where I live sells D'addarios for close to $9 while Elixirs are about $13. I don't buy boxes and boxes of strings, although really, I probably should...
I don't notice any difference between elixirs and other strings maybe its just in your head? I'm bought a 11-56 pack of D'addarios (because their the only ones in that gauge) so I can tune down to C# and have better tension and ill see if I can find any differences.
Use whatever strings you feel comfortable with, just make sure they are fresh. Personally I love the Elixirs, you can get packs with the top 3 strings non-coated as extras if you like.
I have a friend who is forced to use Elixir...he has a crazy acid sweat so the strings are rust eated immediately after a day. I track him with my guitar with Ernie ball and after 2 days the guitar was totally impossible to play.....rust everywhere.
With Elixir he can play with no problems for weeks/months
just play what feels and sounds best for YOU!
if you cant hear a difference, the better it is!

i have on most guitars, where i aim for a modern and bright sound Ernie Balls 10-46 and 11-48.
then i´m using pure nickel sets of pyramid on my strat and tele, to achieve a more round and vintage tone.

and then i have 2 guitars where i play Elixier 10-46 only, as those came factory setup by elixir and sounded amazing from where i played the 1st chord on them. so i thought, never change a running system.

on some guitars the elixiers tend to sound dull and dark, and on some they shine very well.. what i personally like on the elixiers is that with the coating "slip" onto the string and that makes it comfortable for me to play!
also my plektrum lasts longer because of this.. on my ernie ball equiped guitars, my plektrum got neutralised very fast because the stringwounds are pretty sharp!
I have a friend who is forced to use Elixir...he has a crazy acid sweat so the strings are rust eated immediately after a day. I track him with my guitar with Ernie ball and after 2 days the guitar was totally impossible to play.....rust everywhere.
With Elixir he can play with no problems for weeks/months

This is how I am as well, it sucks. After a few hours, regular strings start to feel gross. I love elixers.
I've played D'Addario for years, now I'm playing the D'Addario EXPs, they don't feel any different and they last for weeks!
Elixir.. eugh..
Elixirs are made by coating D'Addarios b-stock strings.. sure they live longer, but thats simply because the strings already sound dead straight out of the box.
When people hear about coated strings they think about elixirs but fail to realize that almost all brands offer coated string sets.
I've never been the one too to settle exclusively to one single brand, I'm always trying different things, right now I use ernie ball coated strings and they're pretty good.
Keep in mind there are 2 kinds of Elixer strings. Polyweb vs. Nanoweb. The Polyweb coating ones have a much thicker (their original) coating that makes them really slippery. The Nanoweb has a much thinner coating and sound much brighter, almost like traditional non-coated strings, and are much less slippery. I prefer the Nanoweb for sure, and I love elixers.