Elixir Cables Vs My Old Fender Cable (clips)


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Hey guys, just got my cable import from new york. Some of the (new what i thought initially to be gimmick) cables from elxir as demod at Namm, I can safely say arent a gimmick!

I'm not sure if you'll be able to pick up on this in the clips, but these things are pure as hell, i was feeling more in control of the instrument from the word go. Frequencies are glissinging through like they wernt with the old fender california cable.

The difference is definitely noticeable but I'm not sure whether I find it much better sounding. On the one hand it sounds more open and dynamic but it also is a bit shrill in the top end (but that might dissappear if you hear it in a mix).
That and the 128 kbs mp3 encoding might both play a role. Could you post a clip with some drums and bass? I wonder how it would stand out in a mix.