Elm Street - Elm Street's Children teaser video (can't wait for this!)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
The guys are still churning out the clips on the back of the album we did mid last year!

Quite a few of you guys liked the video to the title track, so this should be one to watch out for!

In case you missed the original...

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I like those drums and bass. I like that the bass is very easy to hear through the guitars. Will the second clip be a live clip, or the CD version on top of live videos ?
You know... I have no idea. That's partly what I'm curious to find out :lol:

The guys haven't contacted me for any live mixing, so my bet is on studio version on top of live footage, but you never know..
Ah, I thought it was the same song as the previous one (barbed wire metal) for some reason, hence why the question :) ! It sounded so familiar to me, maybe the "generic" riff ! You have to wait a few weeks to find out, now !