embarrassing interview with In Flames drummer

To even compare the two bands is absolutely insane. Hatesphere, Imious, Carnal Forge, and Nightrage are all bands that play 50 times better than anything DD will ever release.Nothing you ever say here will ever be taken seriously by me. DD is generic and shit.
I can't choose between my 2 favorite bands... One day it dt and the other is IF... I have come to a conclusion, In Flames are gods (Lunar Strain-Clayman)... After that they're complete piece of shit (yes, complete shit). Too bad Anders can't growl anymore although his growls are so awesome in the old albums! My 2 favorite songs with vocals are with no question Clayman and Graveland - so fucking awesome!!!!
^I feel the same. And its fucking homosexual that they obviously don't give a shit about their true fans and just want to make money, and don't care if they break up. "If my wife asked me to leave the band, I would" WTF kind of sell out shit is that anyway? If their wives and families cared about each of them, then they would never ask any of them to stop doing some thing they enjoy.
To even compare the two bands is absolutely insane. Hatesphere, Imious, Carnal Forge, and Nightrage are all bands that play 50 times better than anything DD will ever release.Nothing you ever say here will ever be taken seriously by me. DD is generic and shit.

WTF Mate??? Devil Driver kicks ass and continues to kick ass!! I have seen them several times in concert and each time put on a rockin show. Dez fuckin hates that he was in Coal Chamber, hates it!! Their new sounds kicks ass and its not "generic" so go fuck yourself! and I don't give a shit if my comments or whatever aren't taken serious by you, I just don't give a fuck about you, go die.
Oh and I wasn't comparing them jackass, I said they fuckin played together, that was it!! :mad:
Devil Driver is shit. To even mention them in the same sentence is blasphemous. I dont give two shits about Coal Chamber. I dont give three shits about Devil Driver. Theres much better thrash out there. The fact that you like Symphony X but then degrade yourself down to Devil Driver makes me seriously wonder about your mental stability. Dez is a tool. Well Tool sucks too so I guess they are a perfect fit. If he hated the music he was doing so much he wouldnt of done it. Period. Because everyone likes to play music they hate. Half of their songs sound like they ripped off Susperia musically anyway. Swingin The Dead Indeed. The dead horse that is.
Devil Driver is shit. To even mention them in the same sentence is blasphemous. I dont give two shits about Coal Chamber. I dont give three shits about Devil Driver. Theres much better thrash out there. The fact that you like Symphony X but then degrade yourself down to Devil Driver makes me seriously wonder about your mental stability. Dez is a tool. Well Tool sucks too so I guess they are a perfect fit. If he hated the music he was doing so much he wouldnt of done it. Period. Because everyone likes to play music they hate. Half of their songs sound like they ripped off Susperia musically anyway. Swingin The Dead Indeed. The dead horse that is.

Ya heaven forfuckinbid I like 2 bands that don't sound the same!! God I must be an unstable nut job to do something like that!! Get out of your fuckin hole and widen your narrow ass scope on life!! The only tool out there is your faggot-ass. How the fuck did me saying that In Flames played with Devil Driver turn into this big burn fest?? Do you have anything better to do with your life beside's sitting in your underwear in your parents basement cause your a fuckin loser and saying that some new band sucks so bad they got the pleasures of playing with In Flames?? Seriously, your fuckin scum, go die.
Because you said Devil Driver was good. Thats what warranted the burn. I just got off work so Im wearing pajama bottoms but I dont think that counts as underwear. Why would you even mention devil driver when there are tons of other great bands that are actually good and not devil driver? Period. Old Inflames great, New Inflames ehhhh. Devil Driver are a passing fade that will die out just like grunge and deathcore. Thank god.
They obviously care about there old fans wtf do you think the 2nd half of come clarity sounds like colony/clayman? well to me it does from vacuum on that album is good melo death, wtf i really dont think korn fans listen to in flames, there still too underground for korn/linkin park fans to even know about them. You people are idiots for saying that they sound nu metal.
And even if there new stuff isn't the same anymore , give them a fucking break no band wants to make the same album over and over again, why dont you go into a studio and make a new in flames album, and make it sound like The Jester Race, YOU FUCKING CANT! and i like where in flames took there sound, whereelse are they gonna go? keep making the same albums over and over again to make there stupid fans happy? Dark Tranquillity is already doing that, and im glad In Flames aren't washed up playing the same riffs over and over again, Fiction sounds like Character which sounds like Damage done ect ect.......
You want to convince me that Whoracle sounds like Clayman? Or the Jester Race sounds like Colony? WTF! Speaking of dt, where do you think Projector comes in? Ok maybe the latest dt albums sound kind of the same... but at least they're not selling out!
And even if there new stuff isn't the same anymore , give them a fucking break no band wants to make the same album over and over again, why dont you go into a studio and make a new in flames album, and make it sound like The Jester Race, YOU FUCKING CANT! and i like where in flames took there sound, whereelse are they gonna go? keep making the same albums over and over again to make there stupid fans happy? Dark Tranquillity is already doing that, and im glad In Flames aren't washed up playing the same riffs over and over again, Fiction sounds like Character which sounds like Damage done ect ect.......

Anders sounds like shit these days anyway. PinBall Map was unrecognizable when I saw them live a few months ago.
You don't like new dt? WTF! Dark Tranquillity are gods, it's not even sane to compare the 2 bands.

Ummmm... if you read it again it actually says I'd RATHER LISTEN to new DT than new IF.. nothing there says that I don't like DT.

However, if we compare the old stuff then I'd have to say IF owns DT. Whilst The Gallery's a good album I personally think The Jester Race owns it.
They obviously care about there old fans wtf do you think the 2nd half of come clarity sounds like colony/clayman? well to me it does from vacuum on that album is good melo death, wtf i really dont think korn fans listen to in flames, there still too underground for korn/linkin park fans to even know about them. You people are idiots for saying that they sound nu metal.

Most Korn fans know who Inflames are. They are close to each other alphabetically at Hot Topic. Its true. Get the net.