EMG-60 pickup


Apr 11, 2008
Czech Republic
Hello, considering to replace my stock B.C.rich BDSM pickup (bridge position) for something better. I play rhythm guitar. I want to get more mids out from my guitar, which is now little too bassy and trebley, but mids are little bit scooped IMHO. Also I cannot find any info about EMG-60 here... why? Is it because it sucks? Its description on official EMG page looks very promising... thank you
in the neck its awesome for distorted leads and clean but never heard one in the bridge

Yes!.... in the neck position is awesome.... the clean Tone is amazing and you have a lot of dynamic control for distorted leads with that pickup.

But if you want a cool bridge pickup maybe the best options for you are the EMG-81 or the EMG-85. The 85 have more dynamic than the 81, because the 81 it's a truly metal pickup, very compressed and with an awesome cutting edge in the mix.

The 85 is a more versatile pickup.... scream "rock and metal".... more like a Seymour Duncan JB but active.

Also, you can check the Seymour Duncan Blackouts.

Cheers! :headbang:
I actually think the 60 is a good idea. I'm not much of a fan of EMGs in general, but I do like how the 60 sounds in the bridge. It's got a bigger low end that's lacking in the 81. It sounds thick instead of ice-picky and sterile. IIRC, I think the guys in Devildriver use 60s in the bridge if that helps.
Jim Root from Slipknot/Stone Sour uses the EMG60 in the neck, EMG81 in the bridge. EMG60 sounds awesome clean, don't know how it'll sound it the bridge tho.
Thank you! Maybe I should note that I´m using drop-A tuning (i don´t know if this can be problem, but maybe some pickups sounds better with this very low tuning than others...?).