EMG Myth


Dec 7, 2003
Boston, MA
I am thinking to switch to EMG 81 s from dimarzios because i reaaly like their sound. But I ve been hearing stuff from players that they hide your mistakes and it is easier to solo with them... EMG players here; is that true? Because if it is I certainly wouldnt want a pickup like that because I think that would make me sloppier oer time. Dont get me wrong I am not saying Romeo was sloppy or anything but then I look at Hammet...
I just realised I opened this on the wrong section I dont know how to so if someone can move it to musicians corner .thanks and sorry
I don't have EMGs personally but my dad got a Schecter Hellraiser and, well really... I don't notice enough of a sound difference from normal pickups, to be worth changing batteries for.
Isnt that the whole point of better pickups??? I mean, like if you get a better signal through then obviously you would have to use less effort which is what we all want, and that isnt hiding mistakes because they arent really mistakes. And who is going to downgrade pickups instead of upgrading?? Mistakes are mistakes, and if you cant hear them then it isnt really a mistake is it??
^idk, even though i dont really believe this myth, i would think that getting used to that would lead to sloppy playing. I usually play on wide open amps (when practicing) so i can hear every little error im making. This keeps me sharp.

but anyways, in my humble opinion, dimarzio pwns EMGs any day of the week.
I thought the point of better pickups was for better tone. But I have an 81 in my Charvel, and I never heard of anything like that.
They're very high gain, which would mean more distortion, which i supposed would help cover a bit for sloppy playing. But yeah they're great if you want a seering high gain distortion
Romeo's not an EMG player anymore.

And DiMarzios are good, but will NEVER pwn EMG's.

The Seymour Duncan Livewire Metal set pwns EMG's though.
When I didn't have a guitar with EMG pickups, my playing was sloppy. Now that I have them, my playing still sounds just as sloppy as it always has. So no, the myth isn't true (at least not in my experience).
I've never heard of anything like this. EMGs give a ton of output and a lot of people find them "sterile" sounding....I don't really care, I love them, if all you play is metal they're pretty much the best you can get. I have have a dual 81 setup. I wouldn't reccomend it for someone who wanted versitality, but like I said if you just want great metal pickups, they're sweet.
aye, EMG's are very high gain/output, but they also have the 60 which is a bit mellow compared to the 81 or even the 85. I use a 81 bridge 60 neck setup, and seem to like it. My favorite artist at the time I bought them used that combination and it seems to be pretty versitile. I feel like switching them out with DiMarzio, or Seymour Duncans to try something else, as my musical style has broadened from just the "metal" scene to much more different styles of playing.
Ptah Khnemu said:
I thought the point of better pickups was for better tone. But I have an 81 in my Charvel, and I never heard of anything like that.
this is true.

there is no way a pickup can 'hide your mistakes' except by sounding muddy and unclear all the time, thus hiding all your playing. that is a myth.
i personally like seymour duncan invaders great high output chunky rythms and awesome for leads i also like dimarzio evo's and use 2 evos in my 7 string i have a dirty finger in some knock off guitar and a dimarzio Super Distortio in my 80s strat