EMG707 & EMG81-7

I am very interested in this subject. If i understood right, the 707 is a 85 and the 81-7 is , obviously, an 81, both in bass-pickup housings. Are they different from 6-string versions? Can someone please tell the difference (if there is any) from 6-string versions? Maybe some soundclips? This could finally decide if i go 7-strings or not.

Later edit: Noumenon, you have beat me by the second :))
I have a jackson dinky - 81 in the bridge, 85 in the neck, and a viper 407 , 817 in the bridge and 707 in the neck.
I hear difference between 81 and 81-7..the 81 have more gain, volume and creamy distortion than his brother 81-7.
Probably the tonal differencies are the different types of guitars but I prefer the tone of 81.
The 707 is not exactally an 85. I actually prefer the 707 to either the 81 or the 85. I have not personally used the 707-81, but I have not heard many people say they like them in comparison to the 707.

As for the size, the 707 and 707-81 are physically the same.
I have a guitar with 707s and a guitar with 81-7s. You can basically think of them like the 85 and 81 in terms of tone. The 707 is slightly different than an 85, but its overall character is very 85-like.

I don't like the 81-7 for anything but cleans (where it gets beautiful, shimmering tone), so I'm going to swap out the pickups between the guitars so they both have a 707 in the bridge and an 81-7 in the neck. The 707 definitely sounds better for heavy stuff.
Here's a bunch of information, right from EMG's site:



Regarding size, they say they're both the same:
Do you make a 7 string single coil guitar pickup?
No, we do not. The only 7 string pickups made at this time are humbuckers; the EMG-707 and 81/7 are NOT direct replacement pickups, as they utilize a 35 Extended Series cover cap. You may have to modify your instrument to be able to use them.

Regarding the 707 and 85 being the same, they say they're very similar but a little different:

Resonant Frequency (kHz) 2.55
Output Noise (dBV) -89

Resonant Frequency (kHz) 2.65
Output Noise (dBV) -90

Resonant Frequency (kHz) 2.25
Output Noise (dBV) -91
I really dig the 85/707 for the neck and bridge, but the most common variation would be the 81-7 in the bridge and 707 in the neck.

I know of dudes using the 81's in the neck and 85's in the bridge but personally I feel it sounds and plays more natural the other way around.

just 2 707's is a great combo :headbang:
Hi guys, HUGE dig I know, but this is urgent and I didn't think it was worth starting a new thread since this one is still open.

I have a Schecter Hellraiser C7 with EMG707s and I am wanting to swap it out for an EMG81-7. I have a guy who wants to make the trade with me tomorrow, but will this be as simple as pulling the pickups out of their Quik Connect and putting them in the other guitar? Will the pots be compatible and all that?

Hmmm, strange I have the same guitar and I like mine. Each to their own I guess, maybe try some of those Lungren's?

Ah I really just wanna stick to the EMG81, its THE pickup for me. Will the swap work or not? I have to drive an hour to get there, so I really don't wanna waste the petrol (I'm 18, have fuck all money) if I don't need to.
Don't all active EMGs use 25k pots? Both pickups are active, and both use a 3 pin Quik Connection so my uneducated guess is it should work?