Emo And Goth Music Banned In Russia?

There's a HUGE metal community in the middle east, but yeah, it's forbidden. In fact, several Iranian metalheads have been beaten up for having long hair (or so I've heard).

And I hate emo music, but if you ban it, you martyr the subculture and it'll be WAY cooler to be an emo. As for goth music, say what you will about bands like, uh... no. I like goth music. From darkwave (Siouxsie) to 70/80s death-rock (Rozz) and its evolution into doom (My Dying Bride), it's quite good. Since the news media is saying "emo and goth" music, I'll just assume they're talking about purely emo/scenefag music.
Disney owns ABC. Time Warner owns CNN. What was that you were saying about free speech in the U.S.? Sure, you can bash religion, no problem. But just try saying anything critical about your CORPORATE SPONSORS..

Lmao, yeah, they definitely take anyone that gives a negative review of a disney movie out back and shoot them. We have a right to free speech unless we criticize our corporate overlords, yupperoo. I hope you were joking. ABC and CNN are biased, and that affects a right to free speech how exactly?
ABC and CNN are biased, and that affects a right to free speech how exactly?

Well, as far as I'm concerned, one of the signs of fascism is a government- controlled media. Is a corporate-owned media with private interests any better than a government controlled one? I'm just saying, when this sort of thing happens, it's one less place for unbiased opinions to reside.

But you're right; to compare this to the kind of repression elsewhere in the world is in very poor taste. I'm just a big pessimist who wonders where the trend is headed.

But I for one welcome our new insect overlords.......
Well, as far as I'm concerned, one of the signs of fascism is a government- controlled media. Is a corporate-owned media with private interests any better than a government controlled one? I'm just saying, when this sort of thing happens, it's one less place for unbiased opinions to reside.

But I for one welcome our new insect overlords.......

You sound like someone who listens to that idiot who blathers on about the new world order and how the government staged 9-11. Yes, the major cable stations are run by corporations. Yes, that limits their output. No, that has nothing to do with free speech. If you want to spew anti-government paranoid propaganda like say, loose change, you're more than welcome to put it anywhere you can without fear of legal action (well, unless you infringe on copyright laws). The creator of that hasn't been "disappeared," he just gets laughed at by most of the country.

And stations are more than welcome to say "we don't want your shit on our station, since we own it." If you have a problem with tv stations being able to choose their own programming, I don't even know what to tell you.
And stations are more than welcome to say "we don't want your shit on our station, since we own it." If you have a problem with tv stations being able to choose their own programming, I don't even know what to tell you.

You better believe I have a problem with programs that are supposed to be reliable news sources repressing certain stories. Perhaps you should try living in China for awhile and then see what your opinion is?

And you're right, we have far less biased media here in the U.S., but I think you underestimate the corporate influence, and yes I do think it's a problem when ABC kills a story about Disney-owned sweatshops. I don't think anybody got shot though. Maybe chopped up and fed to the elephant from Operation Dumbo Drop.....
You guys, why are you arguing about this? We should be out preventing the New World Order conspiracy! 9/11 hoax! ZEITGEIST IS TOTALLY ACCURATE!
You guys, why are you arguing about this? We should be out preventing the New World Order conspiracy! 9/11 hoax! ZEITGEIST IS TOTALLY ACCURATE!

I'd love to help, but I'm actually one of the board members of the Trilateral Comission, so my hands are kinda tied.......
You better believe I have a problem with programs that are supposed to be reliable news sources repressing certain stories. Perhaps you should try living in China for awhile and then see what your opinion is?

And you're right, we have far less biased media here in the U.S., but I think you underestimate the corporate influence, and yes I do think it's a problem when ABC kills a story about Disney-owned sweatshops. I don't think anybody got shot though. Maybe chopped up and fed to the elephant from Operation Dumbo Drop.....

If people believe the news is unbiased, that's kind of their problem. If it's all privately owned/funded, they have no obligation to be "unbiased." The networks all bash each other and get bashed by people on all other forms of media, it's not like they have some immunity to "hate speech" because they control a few major news outlets. I do think that alternative channels like the BBC are much better news sources, but it's completely legal to watch the BBC in the US and there are plenty of ways to gain access to it if you want to.
He happens to be a metalhead.


HORNZ UP!!!!!!!!!111111111111111 METHUUUUUL!!!!!!!11
Angry-self-censored-post-mode. :Smug:

Allright you *******, most of you haven't been to Russia, nor do you speak Russian - and that's fine!

What you don't know is that we, Russians, don't give a flying **** about what you may think of us.

Your opinion means **** to us.

IF you spoke Russian you would have known that NONE of the music is being banned in Russia.



do the caps make it shocking enough for you?
if not, I can post more similar links, no problems
Angry-self-censored-post-mode. :Smug:

Allright you *******, most of you haven't been to Russia, nor do you speak Russian - and that's fine!

What you don't know is that we, Russians, don't give a flying **** about what you may think of us.

Your opinion means **** to us.

IF you spoke Russian you would have known that NONE of the music is being banned in Russia.



do the caps make it shocking enough for you?
if not, I can post more similar links, no problems

If our opinions mean shit to you then why bother posting in this thread?

At first when I read this I thought it was just a rumour and I was just waiting for someone to confirm it's falsity, which you now have done.

I still don't understand why you are so upset though. If the ban had been true then no wonder people are responding with accusations of russia being fascist. As much as i dislike emo music and emo culture, those people have a right to wear what they want to and listen to what they want, just like metalheads have that right, but of course I don't speak russian so I guess my opinion means shit to you and all the others in putinland.
If our opinions mean shit to you then why bother posting in this thread?

because people shouldn't speak of what they know nothing about, otherwise it's called idiocy.

At first when I read this I thought it was just a rumour and I was just waiting for someone to confirm it's falsity, which you now have done.
really? but...

I still don't understand why you are so upset though. If the ban had been true then no wonder people are responding with accusations of russia being fascist. As much as i dislike emo music and emo culture, those people have a right to wear what they want to and listen to what they want, just like metalheads have that right, but of course I don't speak russian so I guess my opinion means shit to you and all the others in putinland.

You seem to know a lot about "putinland", my russophobic friend, care to enlighten me?
I'm sure as a person who doesn't speak Russian you can teach me a lot of things about Russia.
lmao @ Guitar-non-player

Why getting so defensive? Have you ever asked something about someone/someplace/something else? You haven't? Oh gosh, then I guess that you'll remain ignorant of everything you aren't enlightened about by some greater being.