Emotions in music.

Chryst Krispies

Vanilla Gorilla
Jul 27, 2005
Have any of you HONESTLY ever gotten emotional over a piece of music , any emotion at all but to the point where it was like.... almost out of your control.

I just heard a Beethoven piece and my eyes began to water up.
allthough its totally lame an not metal Rachmaninoff's concerto No. 2 is fukin crazy good
allthough its totally lame an not metal Rachmaninoff's concerto No. 2 is fukin crazy good

Rachmaninoff is VERY metal, and that's one of my all time favorite pieces of music. Almost brought me to tears the first time I heard it.

This one gets me every time too.

If instrumental music hasn't moved you, you aren't really listening.
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Def Leppard makes me wanna throw my arm in the air!!!!

P.S for anyone offended by this, i refer you to my large leppard CD collection and respectfully request you fuck right off :)
Quick story.

Few yrs ago I bought a few CDs, hadnt had the chance to listen to em.... but I was going out of town so I ripped them onto this mp3 player.

Anyways, stepmother passed away, so, I go to NY for the funeral and all of that... I have my mp3 playlist on shuffle.

After my visit, on my returning flight... the plane starts descending down... 10pm, over Houston TX... so all you can see are the city lights.

What song comes on my mp3 player? A song I havent had a chance to hear yet... shuffle, right?

"Descend the Shades of Night" - Machinehead.

A song about death... and Im literally descending at night.

I tripped the fuck out.

That song will always trip me out, now.

Last time I saw Machinehead, they played that song live, and I had to go sit down.
yeah Beethoven is absolutely incredible. Collapse the Light into Earth by PT made me tear up the first time I heard it. F'n beautiful song.
Three words: Pain of Salvation. Easily the most emotional music I've ever heard, and yes, while it is melodramatic and theatrical, if you let yourself get caught up in it, then you're in for a wild ride. Just stay the hell away from their most recent, "Scarsick." Also, I love doom metal for it's emotion as well; Green Carnation's "Light of Day, Day of Darkness" being a favorite.
Agnus Dei (the choir version of Samuel Barber's adagio for strings).
Also Bjork's Joga.

And Johnny Cash cover of Nine inch Nails song "Hurt".
I'm a gamer nerd, so Machinae Supremacy's "Player One" does it for me. Nevermore's "The Heart Collector" and Anathema's "Forgotten Hopes". I'll probably get dirty looks for this, but Evanescence's "My Last Breath" has the same effect.
I have to say the latest Primordial (to the nameless dead) has quite the effect as well :worship: These guys mean it
anything by sigur ros... especially live; and especially viðrar vel til loftárása

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