Emperor N.'s Thought of the Day, Vol 1

Trapped in a corner's thought for the day:

If your vague attempt at humour was funny, i would have laughed. :err:
Originally posted by Trapped
Trapped in a corner's thought for the day:

If your vague attempt at humour was funny, i would have laughed. :err:
Maybe it appears to be a vague attempt because it wasn't an attempt at all.

Thought of the Day Vol. II, inspired by above post:
"We may spend our lives searching for the end of PI, but we'll only spend a night yelling at the asshole that had the last piece."
jimbobhickville's thought of the day:
"If life deals you lemons, why not go kill someone with the lemons (maybe by shoving them down his throat)"

ha ha.

"If life deals you lemons.... Eat your fucking lemons, you whiner"

(note: THat was blatantly stolen...)
If you drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let 'em go, because, man, they're gone.

...And you tell me this NOW?? I've got a prosthetic arm, one leg and half an eye-ball because of my bloody keys...!!


"The light at the end of the tunnel..... Is a fucking Train"

Was purely mine actually.