
Sadly? Finally a band has enough sense to stop releasing geriatric carbon copies of their classic material, and stay out of the studio onto the road where they belong. Commendable.

That's like admitting they are uncapable of recording sumthin decent nowadays and therefore renders all the previous good albums a strike of luck. I don't like to think that, but maybe you're right :/
What's so great about Emperor?

I just listened to In The Nightside Eclipse, and the best two songs were the Bathory cover and the Mercyful Fate cover that are "bonus" tracks. Similarly I listened to Anthems recently and was unimpressed. Should I keep trying to listen and appreciate these bozos or should I move on?
What's so great about Emperor?

I just listened to In The Nightside Eclipse, and the best two songs were the Bathory cover and the Mercyful Fate cover that are "bonus" tracks. Similarly I listened to Anthems recently and was unimpressed. Should I keep trying to listen and appreciate these bozos or should I move on?

I am the black wizards...that is what is so great about Emperor. That song is fucking rediculous
What's so great about Emperor?

I just listened to In The Nightside Eclipse, and the best two songs were the Bathory cover and the Mercyful Fate cover that are "bonus" tracks. Similarly I listened to Anthems recently and was unimpressed. Should I keep trying to listen and appreciate these bozos or should I move on?

try IX equilibrium, cuz there is some thrash elements
I am the black wizards...that is what is so great about Emperor. That song is fucking rediculous

try IX equilibriun, cuz there is some thrash elements

Ok, I will try both of these suggestions. I was just trying to be a punk-ass-bitch by the way I asked my question. But the fact is my exposure has been limited, and I have yet to start to appreciate Emperor.
If I may. Some time ago I saw an interwiew with Mortiis at NRK. The national broadcaster in Norway.

He said he didn't think they would unite in a very long time. He thought they would only do a new record if they needed the money. Witch he thought was a shame. So that is probably why they do this shows, they need the money.
I'm glad that they're disbanded. Everything after "Reverence" was an insult to their previous genius.
What's so great about Emperor?

I just listened to In The Nightside Eclipse, and the best two songs were the Bathory cover and the Mercyful Fate cover that are "bonus" tracks. Similarly I listened to Anthems recently and was unimpressed. Should I keep trying to listen and appreciate these bozos or should I move on?

Dude... listen again. Nightside is one of the best black metal albums ever and Anthems is also excellent.
Thanks! I am continuing to listen. Thus far I think that Inno a Satana has grabbed my attention the most. That's a powerful song!

:kickass: Yeah when I first heard Emperor I didn't like them... it was Anthems and the production was so chaotic to me then that it sounded like crap. I was tempted just to write them off but I figured I bought the damn album I should listen to it a few times and voila! I ended up loving it. And Nightside is even better, every song is classic... my fav on that one is Cosmic Keys but overrall my fav Emperor track is probably Ensorcelled by Chaos. IX Equilibrium is very good also. You'd probably enjoy that one. Prometheus is pretty good but not my style.
:kickass: Yeah when I first heard Emperor I didn't like them... it was Anthems and the production was so chaotic to me then that it sounded like crap. I was tempted just to write them off but I figured I bought the damn album I should listen to it a few times and voila! I ended up loving it. And Nightside is even better, every song is classic... my fav on that one is Cosmic Keys but overrall my fav Emperor track is probably Ensorcelled by Chaos. IX Equilibrium is very good also. You'd probably enjoy that one. Prometheus is pretty good but not my style.

Funny, Cosmic Keys is playing right now.

Another funny thing about what you mentioned, I decided to turn off the "bass boost" function of my little CD player and see what that did for increasing the clarity of the music, and it actually brings out much more of what's going on. Typically bassboost just brings it up to sounding regular and non-anemic, but in this case the extra bass was just sort of making this bug bass-humm shield which just kinda threw everything together, to a degree.