Enchant Headlines the Bay Area with Redemption, Zero Hour and Timeline

You know what they say about opinions dude, I have to say this is exactly the kind of stupid ass comment that really pisses us all off, the members of Enchant mostly. Both Redemption and Zero Hour are not only two of the the most talented kick ass bands in the progressive metal genre today but also some of the coolest people out there. Very good friends of ours, who I have personally been working with to book a show in the Bay Area so we can all finally play a gig togather. I happen to be HUGE fan of both bands and have the upmost respect both musically and on a personal level as well. We are thrilled to have them both and ........honestly, this line up is stellar and we are thrilled to share the bill with such accomplished and incredible musicians. We are really exited about this show and look forward to a great night with four killer bands.

Also a huge thanks to all the fans and totally cool people here in the PP forum and cummunity for the amazing support and positive feeback towards us and kind words of support towards the band.

I have to get down to Atlanta this year and catch this show, the line up is beyond awesome and you people kick ass.

Honestly, Redemption and Zero Hour can't hold Enchant's jock. I'd rather have just have more Enchant.
You know what they say about opinions dude, I have to say this is exactly the kind of studid ass comment that really pisses us all off, the members of Enchant mostly. Both Redemption and Zero Hour are not only two of the the most talented kick ass bands in the progressive metal genre today but also some of the coolest people out there. Very good friends of ours, who I have personally been working with to book a show in the Bay Area so we can all finally play a gig togather. I happen to be HUGE fan of both bands and have the upmost respect both musically and on a personal level as well. We are thrilled to have them both and ........honestly, this line up is stellar and we are thrilled to share the bill with such accomplished and incredible musicians. We are really exited about this show and look forward to a great night with four killer bands.

Also a huge thanks to all the fans and totally cool people here in the PP forum and cummunity for the amazing support and positive feeback towards us and kind words of support towards the band.

I have to get down to Atlanta this year and catch this show, the line up is beyond awesome and you people kick ass.

Well said Ed, some people have no couth, c'est la vie...Really looking forward to seeing you guys at the Avalon along with the whole lineup, its going to rock!!!! Its about time we actually got some Prog on the Peninsula :rock:

Well said Ed! This is not a competition between bands and I for one am excited as hell to be playing this show with very talented bands that I have the utmost respect for. Hearing comments like the one DTJesus said are uncalled for and disrespectful to all the hard work all parties involved have put into this. Guys, this is going to be an awesome show and I am personally looking forward to this as I have been an Enchant fan since 1995.

Hey Ed! I hope you are feeling better. I was looking forward to hanging out at the NAAM show.

It's good to get an awesome Progressive show here in the Bay Area.

We're looking forward to it and hope to see some of you there...IT WILL RULE!!

Looks like our hard work is finally starting to pay off given the stagnant music scene in the Bay Area lately.
All the bands are going to kick ass on this bill.
For those of you who have not seen Timeline, you are in for a progressive onslaught indeed.
Looking forward to great show!:kickass:
Enchant is a special band. A Rush. A Yes. A Marillion. The other bands are just not in the same league, personal friends or no. Prog music isn't just about talented musicians and time changes, it's song-crafting and melody writing. It's substance and creativity and thought-provoking lyrics. I stand by my comment, although I concede it was perhaps inflammatory in its delivery. I obviously hope the show is a success, but the lineup won't pull me cross-country ... a stand-alone Enchant show might've.

Wild Palms Hotel
910 E. Fremont Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
P: 408.738.0500 | F: 408.736.8302
Reservations: 800.538.1600

If you are coming from out of town for the March 24th show- this is a good place to stay that is close to the venue. They have rates right now for $65.00 a night on the Saturday night of the show--
Wish I didn't live on the other side of the freakin country now. All the bands are great. I hope to see Enchant live one day.
Bear-- You Rock-- Thanks for pulling this together and making this flyer-- This is why the Bay Area music scene rules-- We have killer fans and people who will get behind this!

This is one of the most kick ass flyer / posters I have ever seen. And we have seen a few over the years for shows tours etc.

Bear you are the man, and David you could not say it any better. Thanks to you and Eric B the ball is rolling and picking up speed fast. You are doing an amazing job with this !

The Bay Area might have had a few down years but thanks to a group of very determined and passionate people we are well on track again.

Bear-- You Rock-- Thanks for pulling this together and making this flyer-- This is why the Bay Area music scene rules-- We have killer fans and people who will get behind this!
