Enchant Xmas Song


Sep 17, 2002
Lutherville, MD
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My wife has been driving me a bit nuts, listening to the Xmas music station on Directv alot. It made me starting thinking that an Enchant Xmas/Winter tune would be pretty cool. No idea what song to cover but Ted's warm voice would be perfect for a tune like Winter Wonderland. Have you guys ever done anything like that? IQ has an excellent instrumental Xmas tune called For Christ's Sake. Enchant could do a killer one too.
Cool idea!

I have always loved breaking out my Dream Theater fanclub CD with LaBrie singing Oh Holy Night - something from the Enchant boys would rock!
Douglas A. Ott said:
I want Ted to sing "Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas!"
No way dude that ones all you! :ill: thats more in your range, the Burl Ives version!

God Jim not already? its already on us!

Actually get the CG3 Christmas Disc it is beautiful!

Someday we can do one!
Hey You guys need to check out The December People.. On magna Carta records. Great album done by Robert Berry and many special guest It's Christmas Prog style
Horrible idea... I don't want Ted to sing about a hyped-up festival that has almost entirely lost it's meaning hehe... I dislike christmas songs. Be nice all year round instead of trying to be nice late in December. Too much materialism but the food is good though

here is a horrible icelandic christmas song ( a rip off of Begees and Ghetto superstar)

Djöfull said:
Horrible idea... I don't want Ted to sing about a hyped-up festival that has almost entirely lost it's meaning hehe... I dislike christmas songs. Be nice all year round instead of trying to be nice late in December. Too much materialism but the food is good though

here is a horrible icelandic christmas song ( a rip off of Begees and Ghetto superstar)


wow.....that really is horrible.........i think i just got sick :Puke: ha

all christmas songs sound the same any way.
I think enchant could cut a good version of 'winter wonderland'. fa real

Hey even ELP wrote a christmas song if im not mistaken.
If you want an amazing holiday CD, check out "One Silent Night..." Vols 1 & 2 by guitarist Neil Zaza. Lush melodies and amazing guitar playing (his newest CD "Melodica" is amazing as well). His site is www.neilzaza.com

Enjoy and happy holidays to all!

The San Jose show kicked ass. They have the best light/laser presentation, not too mention the simulated snow.

Perfect sound (which is near impossible in that pit called the HP Pavilion), fantastic musicians.

If you've been to the show the last couple of years, the song selection is pretty much the same, with a few new additions, and they cut the Led Zep. medley out.
