End of the Neverending Way

Holy Webland

May 16, 2003
After many years of very interesting work with WebArk (formerly WebLand) I (Burak Bas) will leave the project. It is difficult step because to be webmaster of Orphaned Land was once my passion and hobby, so there are a lot of feelings involved, but I can't do it forever.

There are a new captains (Stavroula & Chris) who are willing to continue WebArk. I see that they are making good job with WebArk, and it is right time for me to leave.

I am sorry for my decision. I hope that everyone will understand me. I will always support the WebArk and continue to manage the server against problems.

Thank you everyone who support Orphaned Land & WebArk in this way...

...with Love
My dear brother, captain Burak,

It was a few years ago that we had a lousy web site and we found the web site you did for OL while we were checking the net, you did it even before we knew each other, just like that, you decided to build such a wonderful site and immidiatly you were happy to make it as our homepage
For years you have been the captain of our web ark and you done it well through storms and raging times.
You are an inspiration, one of my teachers in this world, you teached me about friendship, giving, sharing and family - and of course you teached us the magic of the Dolmas!!

I wish you the best in what ever you will do, and I hope you will stay around and keep in touch, don't forget that we are brothers forever!

With endless love,
Your kardesh,

I can't find enough words to thank you for everything
You did great work Burak and made us very happy by sharing the Web Ark with us!!!

I wish you all the best for all your future plans and intentions.
Even leaving the Webroad, may although your path go along ours.

Best wishes --> Geri
We talked some hours ago my friend Burak,but i would like to tell you a few more things here in public,so that all fans can see what a great person you are and a great friend also.
You gave us the chance,at the beggining,to help you with WebArk and i want to thank you for one more time.
Now,we have to continue your work,your art with more ardency and more resposibility.
It's not the same,but we'll give our best to take care WebArk!
I wish you the best,in what you have decided to do and to work on now.
It's needless to say that you are Noah and WebArk is your creation,and "she"
always will have her doors open for her creator and father!!! :Spin:
I want to thank you for one more time for everything and tell you that we will
always love you and be on your side,whatever you are up to!!! :worship:
My brother Burak,

There will never be an end to you neverending way...your child called "WebArk" is created by your heart and soul's parts...parts which where taken from your everlasting love towards "Orphaned Land". Everybody will always sense you in every click in the WebArk and in every subpage they visit.

You marked the WebArk in the same way you marked our heart with your existence. My brother you are a kind of person that it's really hard to be found nowadays... i'm very proud and lucky having you as a brother!!! :worship:

I surely do not possess your great knowledge on the WebArk but i sure own the magical gift of loving Orphaned Land (members and music) and the WebArk (your orphaned child) to continue with full power working on "her". A knowledge that was passed by you to me. Υou will always be my captain no matter what!!! :worship:

Thank you for everything my brother!!! We all owe you a lot!!! I will be beside you in every step you take or every step that your life forces you to take.

I love you and miss you very much!!! Mucccccccckkkkkkkkk!!!!!!! :)

This is a complete surprise for me... I never said ok to this! My answer about Burak leaving the Webark is absolutely NOT! How come?

Now Seriously my friend. I guess that you gave a lot of thought to this matter and came to the decision heavy heartedly, and you leave me no choice but to stand behind you in whichever way, ending or neverending, you decide to go.

I hope that this doesn't mean that you are not our friend anymore! I still expect to see you in our shows like in the old days. Keep in touch with us and try not to disapear.

Much love and respect to you, and lots of luck in all your ways.

Ollo-San, thank you for visiting WebArk.

Kobi, my soul brother, we are family always. I will continue to support Orphaned Land. But I have not much free time and I cannot work on WebArk. I am leaving the WebArk project and Chris & Stavroula will work on it. I will always help them in my free time and continue to manage our Linux Server against problems. Orphaned Land is part of my life, my thought, my soul and my mind. I have learned to believe from Orphaned Land. I cannot leave Orphaned Land.

Avi the brother, we will meet at the next show inTurkey. I will be there for sure...

Geri, thank you for your nice words.

My Stavroula, part of my heart, I didnt give any chance, you got it. I see your love to Orphaned Land and I was knowing that you are only the person to do this. Thank you. Because you didnt make me surprised. You did it very well, you did it with your love, you did it with your soul. That was what I am looking for. I created the WebArk, but the creation is not important. To keep it alive is important.

My Chris, another part of my heart, the technical knowledge is not important. To believe is to know. You believed and succeed. I am one of the captains of this Ark. But the flag on your hands. You & Stavroula are very important friends in my life.

Matti the brother, I am sorry making you surprised. Yes I didnt (and cannot) leave the WebArk completely. I have got a step back. Because I am working on my own project and I have not free time alot. I cannot work on WebArk very well. I am still very big fan of Orphaned Land and member of Orphaned Land family. I will always support your GREAT music in other ways. Also I will specially work on backend of the WebArk.

I cannot leave this great family. I am sorry again for my decision. I always tried to make my best with WebArk. This decision is one of my best. Believe me...

...with Peace
Burak!!!!! What a damn shame, but sometimes you just have to make difficult decisions like this. This is the way life goes.

Thank you very much for all the work you put into the webark and giving OL fans and even more important- people from all over the world- a place to meet in cyberspace where we can share opinions, happy thoughts and express our passion for the same band.Even more important this place has created a begining in understanding more about people who live in different cultures, stating from my point of view.

As long as this site is around, it will be there as an icon for Orphaned Land but certainly also as an icon to all the work you did.

Until we meet again in Turkey,
Biggest hug ever,

It's a shame you're leaving the webArk,Burak
you did a wonderful work ever since I could remember the webArk.

at this oportunity I would like to congragulate Roula and Chris for being the proud successors of this well oiled machine. Keep the tradition my brother and sister!