Enemies of Reality - 5/5 in Metal-Rules.com!

There is only one song that had sections that left me head scratching wondering “what they were they thinking”. That is “Noumenon” which sounds retarded! How many times do they say: “there is no stronger drug than reality” in this song?

i felt that Noumenon was an intro to Seed Awakening, seeing that the first lyric of it is "There is no stronnngerrr drruugg... than reaalliittyyy". sort of like Precognition to 42147 (altho Precog. didn't have any lyrics, it went straight into it). Noumenon is somewhat haunting and eerie. i like
I'd give the album..... 6/9
DHIADW.................. 5/10
DNB....................... 11/12
POE....................... 10/10
IM ....................... 5/5
S/T........................ 6/8
yeah, I'm just going by the number of classic songs on each album, but some albums got bumped up a point for production quality.

the first and last albums didnt
there really arent any classic songs, it's like a collection of all their other albums left over stuff

that makes it a metal record instead of a nevermore record