Enemies of the drinking men


The Twink
Jul 6, 2007
I've been wondering since my first time of alcoholdrinking, what really causes
the side-effects of drinking a pretty great amount of alcohol. Years went by,
and I was still at a loss. Then some day, the morning after a heavy-drinking party,
I found some dirt under my nails. That threw new light upon the drunk-sense.
I realised, that the whole drunkenness is made by some nefarious men, and not by the
alcohol itself.
So, the first baddie was found, and after that I managed to find some other guys.

The Memorythief:
He is a very evil bastard. You can't see him anywhere, because he usually works,
when you sleep. That is really ignominious. You drink, you go home, and he waits there.
Once you fall asleep, he steps next to your bed (or wherever you're sleeping) and starts his work.
He grabs his memorypump, puts it on your head and the memorystealing begins
He is one of the most evil bastards, and he can help the others to keep back.

The Manicurist:
He is the one, who puts dirt under your nails. Sometimes he works on sober people,
but owing to something, he likes drunk people more. It's very hard to spot him.
He waits for you at the door of the pub. When you step out, he starts his work.
He uses a very interesting material, which consists of soil, litter, junk.
At parties, he likes working all the night, he can catch you more time. And the dirt is just growing.
And The Manicurist's just laughing, makes you think, that you tried to handstand in the street,
and went home on all fours.

The Streetmover:
He is evil! When you go in somewhere to drink, he will be there, waiting for you.
When you buy the first round, he leaves, and gets down to his work. He grabs a street,
puts it somewhere, or just inverts it. The more you drink, the more streets he moves.
Sometimes he moves big parks too. If he's very naughty, he can make a street one-way.
Once I went along a street, but when I turned round, it disappeared. Scary.
He can make your homeward journey extremely long, so The Manicurist can work leisurely.

If you know some other members of this evil gang, let us know. I keep on working :F