Drinking More


Nov 12, 2005
Last night drinking with a freind, we were ransakcing my mom's liquer cabinet.

We took whatever we could without being noticed, pretty much Rum and Candian Club Whiskey. Then we added Cola for taste, and drank to find it amazingly delicious.

We are both fnas of the movie Riskey Buisness, and while drinking the awesomeness I decided to call the Rum and Whiskey Rhiskey, and cola the buisness. Thus naming our drink Riskey Buisness (yes we were drunk at the time, and more drinking made the name cooler).

So I am wondering, if any of you know the real name to this drink if there is one.

Also for fun, what are some good drinks you have come up with in time of need.

p.s. we also had some trash that was rum, and some shit that tasted like maple syrup (Cant remember the name of it) mixed with Apple Juice...Terrible idea
uh yea. whisky and coke with specific names depending on the type (jack and coke, scotch and coke)

and rum and coke...is well, rum and coke. again specific brands being added (captains and coke)

im a fan of burbon and coke (pepsi actually) its damn tasty. i hate rum...unless its captain morgans Tattoo.
Final_Product said:
bevvy wi anythin other than water is a disgrace.


you put water in your whiskey?!?!?! now that is a disgrace. all you need is a few small ice cubes.
mead isnt bad. my roomate drinks it all the time.

a buddy of mine had bought this honey alcohol shit from germany called jaeger something. it tasted exactly like you were drinking honey. it was fucking gross. i cant think of what kind of mixed drinks you could use it in either, but you couldnt drink it straight thats for sure.
dilema1362 said:
mead isnt bad. my roomate drinks it all the time.

a buddy of mine had bought this honey alcohol shit from germany called jaeger something. it tasted exactly like you were drinking honey. it was fucking gross. i cant think of what kind of mixed drinks you could use it in either, but you couldnt drink it straight thats for sure.

Only good mead is Scottish or Danish mead.
not jaegermeister dumbass. thats licorice. im talking HONEY liquor. like the kind that bees make. it was gold, and it was called jaeger______. everyone knows what jaegermeister is, and since im not a fan of black licorice, i dont drink the stuff....although jaeger bombs are pretty good.

besides....i wouldnt go so far as to say jaeger is more of a "real" drink than whiskey (of any type) which is my drink of choice second to beer.

mmmmm beer
Vodka - Finlandia
Beer- Heinekan or Tuborg
Rum - Bacardi White
Whiskey - Canadian Club (i really dont like whiskey anymore though).

Rum and Coke is my favourite drink by far, followed by a cold heinekan.
Final_Product said:

real fucking drink.

you americans aint never lived!

Hellll yeah dude! My buds and I love jaeg bombs.