::Engines of Hate solo cover::

I checked this out earlier when you posted it on the Metallicabb musicians' forum. It's cool shit. Better than I could do, that's for damn sure.
I fuckin loved that, wasn't spot on, but I don't think it was meant to be. Clearly if you could play it that well you could have played it note perfect if you'd wanted, and either way, you still shit all over me :erk:
Thanks for the comments! DaveIoC, it wasn't really meant to be spot on like you said. I haven't played this solo in a month, or something like that. I got bored so, I recorded this for fun :) . Will Bozarth, I don't know that solo, but it sounds fun. I'll try to learn it, and record it.
kirkpetrucci said:
Thanks for the comments! DaveIoC, it wasn't really meant to be spot on like you said. I haven't played this solo in a month, or something like that. I got bored so, I recorded this for fun :) . Will Bozarth, I don't know that solo, but it sounds fun. I'll try to learn it, and record it.

Dude...I went to your links...you're really an excellent player...I hope you're playing professionally or at least on your way. Are you currently with a band?
Powerslave said:
Dude. Wow.

You fucking NAILED it. It would take me weeks of practice to get it to sound that clean. Nice work on the bends too. Props man.

Speaking of that - where's your River Dragon Vid? It was 3 weeks on the 4th.
schenkadere said:
Dude...I went to your links...you're really an excellent player...I hope you're playing professionally or at least on your way. Are you currently with a band?
Thanks man! Yeah, I'm currently in a band. We're finally starting to get our name out, we actually have fans now haha. We should be going to a studio in the next month or so to record a demo. I'll make sure to post the songs here when we finish :) . Oh yeah...I can't really put our music into a genre.......I guess we're progressive/metal, or progressive/powermetal. Something along those lines haha.
kirkpetrucci said:
Thanks man! Yeah, I'm currently in a band. We're finally starting to get our name out, we actually have fans now haha. We should be going to a studio in the next month or so to record a demo. I'll make sure to post the songs here when we finish :) . Oh yeah...I can't really put our music into a genre.......I guess we're progressive/metal, or progressive/powermetal. Something along those lines haha.

I wish you the best of luck and much success. Long live the six string! (or 7 string nowadays):kickass:

I've been playing for many years...besides my family, it's always been my greatest joy.