ENGL/5150(Blend) and Framus(Single) Reamping Tests


Held in Hollows
Mar 19, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Obviously thanks to the ever cool forumite "Machinated"

The first clip is the Peavey 5150 and Powerball Blended. (2 Takes Each L/R)


The second is the Framus Cobra 4 Takes (2 Takes Each L/R)


These were recorded with Indentical Cabs and Indentical Mic Placement (Sneap)

No real post EQ except a Hi/Low Pass.

So it was good to compare. Although Blended the ENGL and 5150 made it hard.
cobra sounds better, 5150/powerball one sounds like it could use a little bit of scooping the mids
The guitar playing is pretty much spot on. It was due to latency on the Framus clip for some reason the Lexicon was being a bitch so I had to move them back manually which I didn't have to do on the PB and 5150 clip.

**it should also be noted that some of the Clean DI's had gaps for whatever reason hence why it may cut in and out.
Am I just completely mistaken, or was there another clip of this with a Recto being used for the amp? Because if so, THAT tone was the shit. I'm not a fan of either posting, to be honest. The 5150/Engl has this honky mid quality and the Framus has this hairy, scooped, presencey thing happening.