Engl+5150 Gothemberg sound?


I need a beer...
Apr 12, 2009
This is out of my own curiosity

I got my hands on a 5150 head and and Engl head (no cab..running impulses cause my cab is shitty..i plan on investing though)

I keep hearing that those are the "go to" amps for the Gothemberg sound (still not exactly sure what that means)

So my question is..how do I go about it? is there like specific settings? does that mean that I combine the amps in the mix or use them independently?

Since I was able to borrow both heads to experiment with i figure i'd give it a shot.

Please don't bash me, not asking for presets if you don't wanna give them...i just wanna have an understanding of what this sound really is and how to get it.

Thanks in advance
Listen to In Flames and Dark Tranquillity.

There you have it, the Gothenburg sound.

id also try micing the cab. try the fredman technique, a 57 pointed straight at the center, and another next to it...more mid cone angled toward the center. delaying one or the other mic by a few samples can lead to some pretty different tones since the phase relationship changes, so certain frequencies will be cut/or boosted naturally.

another thing, try and listen to some old inflames and try and disregard the bass guitar, listen to how "honky" or "tubby" for lack of a better word the guitar sound is (not saying its bad). its like there isnt alot of lows, or high highs, keep that in mind when searching for your tone. you dont need the sonic range of entire cd in one guitar track... the fredman micing technique can produce ALOT of low end.
I keep hearing that those are the "go to" amps for the Gothemberg sound (still not exactly sure what that means)

So my question is..how do I go about it? is there like specific settings? does that mean that I combine the amps in the mix or use them independently?

Engl Savage or 5150
Engl cabinet
Fredman mic method
Low tuning (from A# to C# generally)

Lots of harmony leads. Instant Göteborg ;)