ENGL e530 vs. e570?


May 28, 2010
I am thinking of getting the e530, but is it worth it to spend the extra grand to get the 570? I will be playing mostly metal...just direct into my computer using impulses.
Probably not; unless you really need that extra versatility... maybe if you were playing live and needed more sounds...

Have you tried TSE x30? That is a pretty good simulation of the e530... if you like that you will know for sure you will dig the e530.
İ have both. 570 is amust for pro purposes. Soundwise sounds more pro also. But price difference is too much for home usage. Also 530 is easier and no one can understand the difference at a concert buzz. So 530 if not sound anal guy. for a guy with no head.
Buy invader or victor and use the lineout. Very close sound to 570.
İ HAve dual triple rectos peavey 6505 soldano hot rod. And 570 with mesa 2:100 stereo with winged c tubes is tits as a conclusion.